The Conservative Party

Probably. Bit by bit.
Labour will still rely on private companies as there is no choice until enough investment in training and infrastructure has been undertaken, then it will be a matter of what they outsource.

It will be interesting to see if they move to a fully nationalised model, rather than the fully fucked up model we have at the moment.
How many times has it been mentioned? You win elections by capturing the middle ground and that is exactly what Labour are doing.

Middle ground my arse. If Labour took a giant step left they’d still be right of centre

The good news is we won’t need a new thread as the conservatives will still be in power after the next GE
Every poll says the public is against the Rwanda thing. I don’t understand at all why he thinks “getting the planes in the air” will make one iota of difference, because it won’t.

The only explanation is he knows his goose is cooked and sees it as his only legacy project, which is really fucking depressing.
Just catching up on this thread.

Seems to me his boat policy isn't aimed at the general public it's just there to pull a few less extreme Reform knuckle draggers back to vote Tory.

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