The Conservative Party

So how can you say that the growth in billionaires in the UK is the product of Conservative Party policies? Similar increases are likely to have been observed in other economies as well.
It's indeed because the rise in wealth isn't a product of Conservative policy, it's a product of globalism and foreign asset ownership. The majority of the richest people in the UK nowadays are not even UK citizens and/or don't even live here.

The 'old money' of privilege and UK based assets at the top-end have been replaced by the 'new money' of pan-international businesses and individuals who have built up or acquired UK assets spread amongst their many other assets held abroad.

Look at James Dyson as a prime example. Conservative policy has no relevance to the fact that he is worth £10bn because he sells hoovers all over the world. If a UK government attacked Dyson financially then he just will cut away from the UK and move to a jurisdiction elsewhere, he wouldn't lose a penny in terms of net worth.

We can talk of other countries too and capitalism etc but the most billionaires in the world right now are found in China! A communist country!
So how can you say that the growth in billionaires in the UK is the product of Conservative Party policies? Similar increases are likely to have been observed in other economies as well.
I said I had no idea but I do have one from 2010.

In 2010, number of billionaires in the world was 1011 and, by 2023, that number was 2640, which was 2.6 times higher.

In the UK, following 13 years of a Conservative government the UK number had gone from 29 in 2010 to 171 in 2023, which is a SIX fold increase. QED as they say.
Funny how the oldies id works but nobody elses , they vote tory of course, a new rule for a problem of voter fraud that didnt exist , brought in to stop labour voters who are not the old fogies
Dunno Kaz, I went to vote after work around 6.15pm. Saw one of the neighbours and had a good chin wag for a good 40 mins stood outside the church which is being used as the polling station. Not a single person under 50 walked into the polling station to vote all the time I was stood there. Now maybe they all went first thing this morning, but I would have expected to have seen a few younger people to exercise their democratic rights. Theres certainly a growing degree of voter apathy in younger generations.
Dunno Kaz, I went to vote after work around 6.15pm. Saw one of the neighbours and had a good chin wag for a good 40 mins stood outside the church which is being used as the polling station. Not a single person under 50 walked into the polling station to vote all the time I was stood there. Now maybe they all went first thing this morning, but I would have expected to have seen a few younger people to exercise their democratic rights. Theres certainly a growing degree of voter apathy in younger generations.
As the majority suffer from SLS (Shit Life Syndrome) I doubt there's not one political that appeals to them. None seem bothered about easing the burden on the people who keep the wheels of the country moving.
As the majority suffer from SLS (Shit Life Syndrome) I doubt there's not one political that appeals to them. None seem bothered about easing the burden on the people who keep the wheels of the country moving.
There were many in the late 70s and early 80s who suffered from, as you put it, SLS but they still voted.

No single party fully appeals to me, but you can still pick who is the least shit.
There were many in the late 70s and early 80s who suffered from, as you put it, SLS but they still voted.

No single party fully appeals to me, but you can still pick who is the least shit.
I'm in agreement.

I have the right to vote and I'll use it.
We got “Local town run by local people” style independents in last year and they had a majority in our town council of 1. They immediately refused to hold any meetings with any other councillors, so we badly need to get them back in the minority and our council can actually run as a council again!
Had to vote Lib Dem as they are generally the majority party round here.

Politics, hey?!
Half the "independents" are people who wouldn't get past a party selection process, even a Tory one. Or they are Tories who know they wouldn't get elected as Tories.
Half the "independents" are people who wouldn't get past a party selection process, even a Tory one. Or they are Tories who know they wouldn't get elected as Tories.
There was lots of noise when they first got elected and some grand plans. That seems to have died down and not much has changed as it’s hard to implement stuff with no money in the kitty.

The local market has improved a bit, to be fair, but the rest is just angry people shouting at the system.
I said I had no idea but I do have one from 2010.

In 2010, number of billionaires in the world was 1011 and, by 2023, that number was 2640, which was 2.6 times higher.

In the UK, following 13 years of a Conservative government the UK number had gone from 29 in 2010 to 171 in 2023, which is a SIX fold increase. QED as they say.
It proves nothing I’m afraid, not when you think about the type of individuals involved and how they are likely to have made their money.

How do you know the increased number of billionaires in the UK isn’t simply the result of people switching their domicile to the UK - perhaps getting out of Russia, HK or some other dodgy country - rather than UK born people becoming billionaires through returns on their UK assets/businesses?

Over the past 30 years you’ve had an unprecedented increase in global trade, a far higher degree of global correlation across asset prices and the widespread removal of restrictions on capital flows. Anything the Conservative Party has or hasn’t done in the face of that is largely irrelevant with regard to the number of billionaires globally and where they choose to live. You could of course discourage the very wealthy from coming to the UK but governments tend not to do that sort of thing.

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