What we're doing for Ukraine extends far beyond simple help, we're supplying and teaching Ukraine to defeat Russia at any cost.It’s not charity you know Ukraine will have to pay back over a long HP plan while we get rid of old stock.
Our military gain very useful experience in training soldiers in the art of warfare, it’s got nothing to do with whether Ukraine win or lose, it’s about helping a neighbouring country.
My worry is just what that cost will be in the long term, it may mean that our military is cut to nothing as resources are being redirected to fund more arms for Ukraine instead of here. At somepoint though Ukraine is going to need people more than it needs arms and that will be the tipping point.
WW3 would be well underway had NATO not existed as a combined force and more importantly had we and the west not possessed nuclear weapons. The fact that some people still believe that we should give up nuclear weapons today is incredible.