The Conservative Party

The funny thing is am not a Royalist more a Republican though I doubt a change would alter any costs anyway however but the late Queen meant a lot to me as I got older as she was a thread running through my life. So her passing affected me more than I thought and I am angry that her passing meant more to me than it did to Johnson, JRM. Truss, Jenkyn, Gove, Mordaunt and so many more who went to bat for the Liar in Chief and maybe some should be considered for their involvement in an illegal prorogation

If the monarchy was worth keeping they'd have had the guilty party goers behind bars and put in the stocks every weekend so the public could pelt them will rotting milkshakes.
The funny thing is am not a Royalist more a Republican though I doubt a change would alter any costs anyway however but the late Queen meant a lot to me as I got older as she was a thread running through my life. So her passing affected me more than I thought and I am angry that her passing meant more to me than it did to Johnson, JRM. Truss, Jenkyn, Gove, Mordaunt and so many more who went to bat for the Liar in Chief and maybe some should be considered for their involvement in an illegal prorogation

Totally agree...well said
Bit late, Dave, a bit late. And let’s not forget you helped enormously in this imminent destruction.

EXCLUSIVE:* David Cameron warns that Nigel Farage is intent on destroying Conservatives and says his ‘inflammatory language' and ‘dog whistle’ politics should be rejected.* The foreign secretary says there is no room in the Conservative Party for Farage's 'incredibly divisive' approach.* Asked about Farage's claim that Sunak ‘doesn't understand our culture’, Cameron says: ‘You don't have to watch sheepdog trials to hear a dog whistle.’* He warns a vote for Reform or any other party is a vote to make Britain less safe.’ @Times

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