The Conservative Party

It’s an intriguing race, though maybe not for the most obvious reasons. Cleverly’s needle didn’t move in round two, nor did Stride’s, with Jenrick picking up 5, Badenoch 6, and Tugendhat 4, so Patel’s support (14) and another 1 split across three candidates. After what happened in 2022 when the party members were presented with either Sunak (137 MP votes) or Truss (113 MP votes), it’s going to be fascinating to see which two go forward this time.
What’s that, Sunak got more votes than Truss? Didn’t realise that, only seen the party member vote. Sounds ludicrous doesn’t it, those who were elected by the public didn’t get a say in who would be PM.
What’s that, Sunak got more votes than Truss? Didn’t realise that, only seen the party member vote. Sounds ludicrous doesn’t it, those who were elected by the public didn’t get a say in who would be PM.
A quirk of their electoral system. One wonders if Labour would have won so comprehensively had Sunak been installed in 2022 and the country hadn’t experienced ‘Trussnomics’. They would have won, to be sure, but the Conservative members have to accept that their rejection of Sunak had an effect.
A quirk of their electoral system. One wonders if Labour would have won so comprehensively had Sunak been installed in 2022 and the country hadn’t experienced ‘Trussnomics’. They would have won, to be sure, but the Conservative members have to accept that their rejection of Sunak had an effect.
Yes, I think they would have done better without Truss and also think Sunak had good intentions to turn the country around. However, the party itself had become so toxic that there was no real way back so he allowed the Tories to salt the earth, which I never thought I’d see from any government, ever.

Even if they knew they were on their way out, surely a government should govern responsibly for its people, yet these absolute cunts stuck 2 fingers up to all of us and then kicked us in the balls, just for good measure.
Yes, I think they would have done better without Truss and also think Sunak had good intentions to turn the country around. However, the party itself had become so toxic that there was no real way back so he allowed the Tories to salt the earth, which I never thought I’d see from any government, ever.

Even if they knew they were on their way out, surely a government should govern responsibly for its people, yet these absolute cunts stuck 2 fingers up to all of us and then kicked us in the balls, just for good measure.
I suppose it’s difficult to appreciate the full effect of certain changes in the party since Brexit. The purge of anyone moderately left of centre has been enormously damaging, as has the nomination of candidates on the basis of their slavish devotion to Johnson. They thus ended up with a parliamentary party that was short on ideas and even shorter on time, which fed into the every man for himself culture and ‘salt the earth’ behaviour.

I think this will not be the last leadership race we witness.
I suppose it’s difficult to appreciate the full effect of certain changes in the party since Brexit. The purge of anyone moderately left of centre has been enormously damaging, as has the nomination of candidates on the basis of their slavish devotion to Johnson. They thus ended up with a parliamentary party that was short on ideas and even shorter on time, which fed into the every man for himself culture and ‘salt the earth’ behaviour.

I think this will not be the last leadership race we witness.

what should concern them but won't because they cannot see it is the fact that they have alienated so many people they are unelectable. Their losses in places like the Home Counties and the Shires would you think have helped them understand it - their core support heavily in hock in mortgages, car finance, credit cards due to the cost of living etc just don't buy the "Party to trust on the economy" - those who were self employed and were abandoned (3 million ) in the furlough scheme no longer buy they are the "Party of small business" yet they look at Reform Ltd as their bogeyman. They should ridicule them as they deserve and concentrate on the Lib Dems to start a recovery but electing Badenoch or Jenrick as leader at the bidding of 170k members quite a few who will not be here when the next GE comes is plain foolish.
what should concern them but won't because they cannot see it is the fact that they have alienated so many people they are unelectable. Their losses in places like the Home Counties and the Shires would you think have helped them understand it - their core support heavily in hock in mortgages, car finance, credit cards due to the cost of living etc just don't buy the "Party to trust on the economy" - those who were self employed and were abandoned (3 million ) in the furlough scheme no longer buy they are the "Party of small business" yet they look at Reform Ltd as their bogeyman. They should ridicule them as they deserve and concentrate on the Lib Dems to start a recovery but electing Badenoch or Jenrick as leader at the bidding of 170k members quite a few who will not be here when the next GE comes is plain foolish.
When I look at the remaining candidates, I reckon Tugendhat would likely have more appeal to the general public, yet because of the make up of the parliamentary party, he’s likely to be the one who falls next. After that, I think Cleverly will tumble, so we will, as you say, see the members choose from Jenrick or Badenoch, neither of whom has what it takes to bring the party back to the centre. The disarray. amongst the Conservatives might just embolden Labour in regards its policies, though perhaps they know they’re already in for a decade, at least, and can afford to move incrementally.
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When I look at the remaining candidates, I reckon Tugendhat would likely have more appeal to the general public, yet because of the make up of the parliamentary party, he’s likely to be the one who falls next. After that, I think Cleverly will tumble, so we will, as you say, see the members choose from Jenrick or Badenoch, neither of whom has what it takes to bring the party back to the centre. The disarray. amongst the Conservatives might just embolden the Labour in regards its policies, though perhaps they know they’re already in for a decade, at least, and can afford to move incrementally.
When you look at how out of touch the main Tory protagonists are, its no wonder Labour feel so confident.

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