The day is here!

I'm a child of the 60's and grew up watching City win things.

I was having a think today, and it's an odd feeling that we could be champions today.

All the shit and garbage we have gone through over the years, and we have seen some absolute crap over the years, just seems to have melted away.

Yeah, it's an odd feeling that we could be the best team in the land, in all the world.

I never thought I would see this day, in all honesty. Kinda strange, but nice as well.

Come on you blues.
Went bed at 11, cant sleep up now at 1 in the morning, its going to be one long truly fanastic day ......please god.
Maccblue said:
We could be heroes.....just for one day

Yes, and I am confident about tomorrow but this is no one day wonder, we will be at or around the top for years to come. CTID.
Gonna be hard to sleep tonight that's for sure. Might have to get up and go for a long walk up the mountain around dawn. Should we really be feeling this tense? We have a brilliant team who have just come through 2 of the toughest games possible with flying colours. We should be brimming with confidence not fearing the unlikely. Tomorrow my friends I believe (Typical city) will be confined to the history books forever!
We'll be fine lads I'm positive!
Nervous is a good thing and it means we all care.
The lads will all be nervous too (I'd be worried if they weren't) those nerves will disappear as the first whistle blows (ours may not) but we WILL win the league tomorrow!
The great players we have will see to that on the pitch and we will see to it in the stands, in the pubs and clubs and in front of our tellys!
We deserve this and it's going to happen Blues!!! ...BELIEVE!!!!! and do all you can to raise whatever roof you're under! CTID.

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