The drinking culture is concerning Roberto

young lads lots of money = booze on a night out it shouldn't happen but its always going to, after match ain't to bad is it as long as its not to close to the next one
Adam Johnson was warned by Mancini and what does he do? Goes straight on the piss with a load of students in Scotland. If he has any sense he would get his head down and work his bollocks off. These lads have such a great opportunity and they should ease off the booze.

Having said that, anyone for a can?
As a paying supporter i'm happy that Milner refused to go out and acted like a model professional. But part of me is thinking FFS James have a fucking beer!
how come everyone believes they should be saints? Especially Hart and Johnson, this was their day off. They aren't playing pissed.
Conor Mcfc said:
how come everyone believes they should be saints? Especially Hart and Johnson, this was their day off. They aren't playing pissed.

Totally missing the point. Nobody is saying they shouldn't have a beer.
Just that they should be well aware that RM has already said he doesn't
like this kind of thing and it makes the club look bad when they behave like
that. He has also said, and rightly so, that alcohol has an adverse effect on
players. It shortens careers. Imagine how you feel after a heavy session, then
imagine the impact on your body. Dehydration, lethargy etc. It takes a couple
of days to get back to normal. Same for Barry and Co. Unprofessional behaviour
and should be weeded out.
I'm glad at least Milner's acting like a model professional. Barry, AJ and Hart really need to get their act up.
I think the deeper problem is that British and Irish players are generally not bright enough to realise what damage regular binging does to the body. You can't be an athlete and constantly go on the piss, your performance will suffer in the end. Johnson, Hart and Barry are becoming a concern in this regard and fines aren't going to put a stop to their behaviour. I think a spell away from even the bench, let alone the team, might be called for (goalkeepers aside, unfortunately). Here endeth the sermon...

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