the economy.

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the economy....

such a broad definition for something with intricate subtleties.

China introduced a mini-stimulus packate (also known as: stimi)

good news, but unfortunately leads to psychological warfare, are they missing their growth targets? are australia screwed because of this?

possibly, but also possibly not.

Nothing ever happens, not really...
The perfect fumble said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Blue Maverick said:
With the government guaranteeing mortgages for people basically subprime mortgage like in the USA surely this is dodgy ground, people have poor credit ratings for a reason, isn't his one of the reasons for the collapse in the first place? I'm no expert but using tax layers money to guarantee their mortgages just seems to leave us wide open to yet more debt? Or maybe I just haven't got a clue, oh and when all the strikes start in the autumn I'm sure the economy will take a dive again :(
What they striking for this time?

They? Who's they?
Public sector, teachers have already balloted and will be striking Sept/oct, Fire service is been balloted at the moment and I fully expect them to get a yes, and I think NHS may well be on the cards as well, and yes it's all about the pensions and conditions of service.
Wip fucking Woo 0.6%

Osborne has been the worst chancellor in history, he is fucking hopeless.

Shame is the best possible Chancellor in the HoC is stuck as Business secretary. What a waste of talent.
If by "things getting better" we mean the rate of homes being re-possessed and businesses closing down has slowed slightly for the last few quarters, then possibly they are, but for many (other than loan-sharks, payday loan companies and bailiffs) things are getting worse as there is more month left at the end of the money than ever before, food, oil, petrol and other essentials all going up, wages being cut = more poverty.
But at least Dave's big society will allow us all to visit our nearest foodbank every now and then, and if we have less to eat, that will help reduce the obesity epidemic, which will of course help the companies that are awarded the latest parts of the NHS to have been sold of to the profit merchants.
smudgedj said:
Was you asleep between 1997 and 2010 then?
Gordon Brown was as good as a Chancellor as he was bad as a Prime Minister, and that's high praise indeed. I'll give you Alistair Darling, though. The financial crisis would have happened regardless of who was in power, it was a failing of financial regulation as a whole and not the Chancellor's management of the economy. Strangely enough we were initially one of the countries that came out of it best. Unfortunately, we have an incompetent baboon as Chancellor and he signed off on a period of austerity precisely at the time you are supposed to use infrastructure spending to accelerate growth.
smudgedj said:
Rascal said:
Wip fucking Woo 0.6%

Osborne has been the worst chancellor in history, he is fucking hopeless.

Was you asleep between 1997 and 2010 then?

If thats an attempt at an arguement its wasnt me asleep, it was you in a coma.

Brown was not a great chancellor although i do think history will be kinder to him in the future. Brown didnt make Lehmans collapse or create the sub prime bubble but he made mistakes and he allowed the City to run riot, which in my opinion for a supposed "labour" chancellor was a disgrace.

Its funny now though that the economy the worst chancellor in history inherited was growing healthily under the then chancellor Alstair Darling but that has been removed from historical fact.

History will in my opinion judge Osborne as the worst Chancellor ever. He will probably be very proud of that as the banking crash gave him a once in a lifetime ideological opportunity to follow the rights mantra of small statism and my word he has loved that. Sadly the fool has sacrificed our countries growth on the altar of his own ego and idealism and the poor are suffering the most.
as a tory, osborne has been a resounding success, for the rest of us a complete disaster. Without the propaganda of the mail and murdoch's despicable rag he would be gone.
Very nice peak at the moment as far as I`m concerned . Lot of people taking time off with their kids ,spending the little free time to re decorate there homes and gardens . A lot of companies offering 10 year guarantees on their products , which in turn helps with making that decision on the new car they couldn't really afford or that boiler replacement that they have been putting off . Holiday season will put paid to work in the next few weeks ,when its clothing ,school uniforms ,the cost of the holiday and spends . A peak like any other peak really as far as I can see except the sun is out and I`m spending more and more time out in the heat . Eating less , low level of energy use , longer light hours so I`m making hay while the sun shines . A lot of landlords have work done on lets as the students are back now which is a usual trend . Nice weather the festival season and people wanting to make good use of the weather helps also . Just wish the govt . would spend on one big infrastructure in the city centre to get the ball rolling ,confidence was knocked when that beechams group went tits up . It has worsened the situation by only helping to finance work in London , there are great plans for a school and hospital planned in Ancoats that were mothballed . That would link up wonderfully with what MCFC are doing with the area ,who wouldn't want their kids using the facilities . Sadly Manchester council are not vociferous enough .
We have the talent in Manchester ,sadly we are going to end up with bric a brac buildings going up instead of making use of the heritage buildings . Just hope the money is filtered up before September . Fingers crossed
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