I didn't know whether to buy this game so I dusted off my copy of Oblivion which I got about halfway through the first time, and loaded it up to start a new game.
Fucking hell it's shit. Almost every character in the game sounds like Jauffre, the actor doesn't even bother attempting a different accent. I'm furiously skipping through the atrocious dialogue, but this isn't the worst aspect...
The worst aspect for me is the game just assumes you're a big fan of the series and doesn't bother teaching you the absolute basics, for example I want to do magic to kill enemies but all I've got is a shitty 'flare' attack and the ability to summon a skeleton which is worse than useless when you've got goblins constantly throwing fireballs at you.
Pick a spell and it says something like 'sorcery 25% on self for 10 seconds' - what the FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? The game hasn't explained it. It's both confusing and frustrating.
To cut a long story short I picked up a few alchemy things from a mages guild, became 'over-encumbered', couldn't move, turned the PS3 off and punched a fucking cushion.
I still want to buy Skyrim because the reviews say its awesome and it MIGHT be miles better than Oblivion, but then again the reviews all said Oblivion was awesome and I just don't get it.