The Etihad stadium experience - first impressions

The OP is damning in his assessment of the atmosphere but is right - I've never seen the atmosphere at City so lethargic and poor except maybe in the Pearce era. There is a phenomenon among our fans of arriving late and the stadium often looks half empty for 10 minutes, which along with our early leavers is probably the catalyst for the "20,000 empty seats" myth. Of the other Premier League clubs I watch, only Arsenal are as bad for this. Most other teams' fans are in their seats by kick-off. What's worse is that this includes our singing sections, so there is often no one there to begin the songs when the players come out and we kick off!

As for all the pre-match/post-match/half-time entertainment, it doesn't interest me at all, but it's fairly harmless if it isn't interfering with the atmosphere. What does interfere with the atmosphere is having a singer on the pitch doing Blue Moon instead of playing the usual version over the speakers that fans actually sing to. Moreover, I'm not a fan of the deafening music right before kick-off although at the moment it's a blessing in disguise as it can drown out the away fans while most of ours are not even in their seats yet.

I pay over £600 for the match day experience, but right now there is very little to the 'experience' that suits my tastes. I'm in the 25-34 demographic and I don't think there is much exciting happening at the ground for my age group in terms of atmosphere.

Unless there are serious and bold changes from the club, I don't foresee any improvements.
so first visit only a mere 10 years after the stadium opened...

...the OP should have been here during the Stuart Pearce years ... tsk tsk ...
bloody glory hunters, if you don't like going to watch the football, leave the ticket for some1 who will enjoy the day
Just like when people on the thread said if you don't like the match experience don't go..well if u don't like someone's opinion (which is the point of forums) don't read!
Some points in the OP match that of my own opinion. I used to love going to the game, a bit of a song, supporting the boys to the hilt - I'd come home with a voice which was going. A lot has changed in a very short space of time, it no longer feels the same when I go back - and I'm only 20, I don't even want to know how those with more miles on the clock feel about it all. The cheese is slowly embracing our club and you have three options -

1) Embrace it
2) Suck it up and brace yourself
3) Fuck it off
4) Well, you've stopped going already as the prices are extortionate so you have no say, move along
It's a pisstake what the club is doing.
First, they stopped playing ' the boys in blue' traditional song...ever since that stopped, the atmosphere went downhill. As soon as they start playing that song the atmosphere will get better (no one wants to listen/watch to BT interviews or bands playing at the city square.

Also, the fact that they didn't play 'bluemoon' original kind of killed it too; no disrespect or anything but having a random guy sing bluemoon on a guitar ain't gonna help by improving the atmosphere! Why the f*&k did the club not play it? Adding on to that, when it does get played, hardly anyone sings it! I'm in EL3 and when I sing it with my scarf held high, some people give me the 'you killed my family' look, but lucky for me, idgaf so I carry on singing! Couple of years ago, people enjoyed singing bluemoon before the match, what's happened?

Lastly,to improve the atmosphere, we either need the whole of SS full of dedicated fans who want to sing for 90 mins, or we need ultras! When the stadium gets expanded, hopefully the away fans go to EL3. Even though I love it there, I wouldn't mind moving to SSL3 as long as the atmosphere improves!
pfazz said:
Well if you really feel like that I suggest you don't go again because there is far too much wrong,in your opinion , for anyone to be able to put right. I bet your a bundle of fun if they go behind.

Agree, we're never gonna get those things fixed even with The Good Sheikh's money. Those who don't like The Etihad can fuck off to Wigan or Blackburn - plenty of elbow room there, too!<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:30 pm --<br /><br />
BlueStarchini said:
What about adopting an more European approach and bring in some drums, or a trumpet band?

Those African buzzing things as well - voodoosailors! I could just do with one right behind me in 323!
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
pfazz said:
Well if you really feel like that I suggest you don't go again because there is far too much wrong,in your opinion , for anyone to be able to put right. I bet your a bundle of fun if they go behind.

Agree, we're never gonna get those things fixed even with The Good Sheikh's money. Those who don't like The Etihad can fuck off to Wigan or Blackburn - plenty of elbow room there, too!

-- Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:30 pm --

BlueStarchini said:
What about adopting an more European approach and bring in some drums, or a trumpet band?

Those African buzzing things as well - voodoosailors! I could just do with one right behind me in 323!

In all fairness , I'm not happy with things at the stadium but he is just moaning about the wrong things. Iv sat/stood there many times wondering why I spend so much when the atmos is so crap. I sometimes think I might as well watch it at the pub of at home . Had some great times but it has been very poor at times . These European fans make us look silly to be honest .

Thankfully we have guys wanting to improve things . Hopefully it takes off .
IWasHere said:
It's a pisstake what the club is doing.
First, they stopped playing ' the boys in blue' traditional song...ever since that stopped, the atmosphere went downhill. As soon as they start playing that song the atmosphere will get better (no one wants to listen/watch to BT interviews or bands playing at the city square.

Also, the fact that they didn't play 'bluemoon' original kind of killed it too; no disrespect or anything but having a random guy sing bluemoon on a guitar ain't gonna help by improving the atmosphere! Why the f*&k did the club not play it? Adding on to that, when it does get played, hardly anyone sings it! I'm in EL3 and when I sing it with my scarf held high, some people give me the 'you killed my family' look, but lucky for me, idgaf so I carry on singing! Couple of years ago, people enjoyed singing bluemoon before the match, what's happened?

Lastly,to improve the atmosphere, we either need the whole of SS full of dedicated fans who want to sing for 90 mins, or we need ultras! When the stadium gets expanded, hopefully the away fans go to EL3. Even though I love it there, I wouldn't mind moving to SSL3 as long as the atmosphere improves!
Agree with everything you said mate. Couldn't make the Hull game but the singer for the Newcastle match was one of the most embarrassing things I've seen at our ground, fuck knows what the Newcastle fans thought. I really hope the club bring back the traditional blue moon song and fuck off with all the no mark singers.

Don't mind the whole city square thing as it quite nice just chilling after the game having a burger and watching the highlights on the big screen although the prices disgraceful and the the presenters are annoying as hell especially Huge bloody Ferris and the girls voice does grate on you after a while.I try and avoid all the 'pre match entertainment' as it
is just embarrassing, I mean sticking oreos on your head! COME ON! I wish the club fucked off with all the cringey crap and just stick to interviewing the players before and after game with a proper interviewer.

Looking forward to the derby and I hope its as feisty as last year get some passion back in the stadium and for the love of good no singers on the pitch!

Agree with you about the atmosphere, at least there are groups which are trying to do something about it which is positive and hopefully the atmosphere project at the EDS game proves successful. Palace have proved what a small ultras group can do so hopefully we and other clubs can follow suit.

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