The Farmers Protests in London

Just dip them for red and its over - Brynle Williams claimed the Stanlow Picketing was ended - suddenly - was after a "board meeting" of the organisers. It later came out the the Police told him the night before that they could get HMRC out with VOSA and start dipping tanks ............... suddenly all those farmers remembered that they had left a light on at home or needed to get back to walk the dog.
Of course they are. Working the land and animals is proper hard graft.

You can inherit a business and pay nowt until you sell it - isn’t farming a business ?? Sell it on? You pay tax. That seems fair to me.

I’d also wager that would catch the likes of Dyson and Clarkson unless their kids fancy keeping it on of course but if they spent millions on land their kids can’t get their hands on those millions…

Other than tenant farmers or small farms that really doesn't hold true.

Catering, owning a pub or restaurant can also be hard graft but full-time owner operators aren't working class unless it's on a small scale.
Your view from one side of the political spectrum.
No. It would appear to be the case. I think they are all a load of silly buggers with too much time on their hands and they will achieve nothing (farmers and jso).
The media may be choosing to report the protests differently, but people do generally seem more annoyed by jso and more support of the farmers. I suspect this is more to do with the basic fact that farmers produce something people value, whereas jsl don't.
The farmers beloved Brexit and love for the Tories has done them up the shitter but they won't have it - I expect in reality most want out and they just want to make sure when they sell they don't pay tax - you see why - they knew the Govt had sold farming up the Swannee in a desperate attempt to annouce they had secured a deal

Do we have any farmers posting on Bluemoon I’d love to hear how the IHT will affect them I want to understand why they shouldn’t pay it and what it will do to our food supply. ?

Thought we may have at least one farmer, how about one Clarkson type who invests in land purely to avoid/pass on land to their children so they don’t have to pay IHT.
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