The Fat Spanish Waiter Has A Pop

Unknown_Genius said:
This whole thread has gone stupid, ok he may have had a slight pop at Barry, so what? Why the hatred all of a sudden? And why are some saying Liverpool have gone backwards? They were closer to the top then they've been in a long time, it was only a few home draws that cost them. Why should Liverpool be scared of City? This coming season, they're going to be challenging for the title, and they're main rivals, will be, whether you like it or not, Man United, not City, and Chelsea aswell. If they keep hold of Alonso and Mascherano, I see no reason why they can't win it, seeing as United have been weakened slightly. I'm afraid thats how it is at the moment. I don't think any of the top 4 are scared of City, Arsenal may be a bit worried. The teams that probably are "scared" are the teams with top 4 aspirations, such as Villa, Everton and Spurs, because there is now another competitor with money, and they can keep hold of their stars, and add to them. Everton couldn't hold on to Rooney, Spurs couldn't with Berbatov, Villa have lost Barry and may lose Young.

Looking at some of the comments on here, its like we've all become United fans "Rafa's cracking up" "fat spanish waiter" "bin dippers", I had to question whether I was on RedCafe and not Bluemoon.

Brilliant post. I agree 100%. If most on here were honest, they'd agree too but think its the "right thing to do" to shot you down instead and call you a rag.
bluemoon32 said:
Bloody hell it was a joke.
I agree with you regarding the 'Liverpool going backwards' line though...they aren't.
I still detest Benitez & the vast majority of the holier than thou fans from that club though.

Mate, when youve been booted out of "the ratpit" for singing Chelsea rentboy,(06/07), Mrs spat at and me punched(lost half me tooth), chased around lime st station, have a bunch of scousers turn on you when you went to the game and sat with em,(95/6),in the kop,(and kept quiet, gettin beat 2 0). Being the minority(sintellins) and listening to the utter utter shite that you hear day in day out, not one of the rats have said to me,"you fully deserve the chance to win somert, as you have been thru hell with your club," and stuck with em, not one of em. Maybe this should be for another thread, but i pure hate the "DIPPING, RAT EATING BULLYS", scousers, salt of the earth? My Arse.
blueinsa said:
Rafa, lets talk about FACTS!

This thread was created because you gaffer was whinging about like old ciddy, and all our money, FACT!

Since 2004 your gaffer has spent a total of £240,100,000, FACT!

Your gaffer is a fucking hypocrite, FACT!

Despite spending the "football ruining amount" you still cant win the Premier League, FACT!

You are in a huge amount of debt, because you spend money you dont have, FACT!

Should you fail to qualify for the Champions League you will be in serious shit, FACT!

Heysel did happen and it was the fault of the supporters of Liverpool fc, FACT!

Bluemoon welcomes rival fans with a intelligent and reasoned argument, FACT!

You possess neither of the the above, FACT!

You should be banned immediately becuse of the above, FACT!

Manchester City have arrived, FACT!

You, your fellow fans and your fucking hypocrite of a boss are shitting their pants, FACT!

As the fat waiter would say.....................FACT!

benitez was saying that players are more motivated by money these dont think thats true no?hes actually spent around 160,000,000 million and made about 80-90 million back..however if you give me your source of your apparent facts ill listen?man city have not have to finish alot higher then 10th to "arrive" and im sure most sensable fans on here (as there are a small few) will,my fellow fans and our boss are not shitting their pants nor are any of the other top 4 clubs..not that i expect you to believe that but if you want an honest opinion and im sure the majority of other big 4 club fans would be more worried about everton taking a 4th spot..and even then i think only arsenal will worry..and the whole fact thing..its pretty childish and well its really just not funny so grow up a lil bit..even the united fans have gotin over that!

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