The "Head Injury " Rule

Do you know what the correct position for a lineman to be in is?
Well I’d like to think he’d be at least in a position to see who the ball came of last
Not 20 yards further down from the action.

In one instance yesterday cant remember the game the ball went out the ref looked at the linesman who was way down the line
Waited 5 seconds then just guessed and shrugged his shoulders when the opposition players went mad.
But im no linesman what do I know?
10 minute doctors assessment on the side of the pitch to ensure no concussions should out a stop to the falling down holding my face to stop a counter attack merchants.
Anything above the waistline now seems to be a 'head injury'.
Just infuriating how many players go down pretending to have received one just to stop the game.
Professional players are encouraged/trained by their managers to do it.
They should just piss off to the professional wrestling ranks and leave football well alone
I do like the sound of any stoppage of the gam resulting in a defined time off the field. That would certainly stop a lot of the fakery.

So rather than they have to go off after being treated, any stoppage of the game results in them waiting a minute, say, off the pitch.

Including goalkeepers.
Footballers must be the softest sport mans in the world of sport.

They aren't embarrassed about being soft.

I heard some ex rugby ref. on TV the other week, asked the biggest difference between reffing football and rugby?

He said… Football is 90 minutes of players pretending they’re injured.

Rugby is 80 minutes of players pretending they’re not injured.

Pretty close to the mark that I think.
I do like the sound of any stoppage of the gam resulting in a defined time off the field. That would certainly stop a lot of the fakery.

So rather than they have to go off after being treated, any stoppage of the game results in them waiting a minute, say, off the pitch.

Including goalkeepers.

They thought making players leave the field after treatment would stop them.

Then they thought making them leave the field and stay off for 30 seconds would stop them.

Neither did. And I highly doubt an additional 30 seconds will either.
They do a lot of food work fighting scurvy, but I agree with regards to head injuries they are hopeless

But hard to argue against this. It's cheating, worse it's putting at risk a colleague who does have a serious head injury by lowering patience, acceptance and understanding of potential head injury situations, just to gain your team and advantage. Crying wolf, basically.

Off the field would solve it but disadvantage any team with an actually injured player. Whilst you'd hope that a quick check and recommendation for playing on or subbed is possible, I'm not sure you're actually supposed to move someone with a suspected head injury though, so could be some players specifically taking advantage of that too as they know the initial check has to take place regardless.

So I think we're stuck with the process for checking for extent of injury, and that brings into question retrospective action for cheating. How do you prove it? I mean, we all know really and often it's the same culprits, but what if this occasion literally is the time that one player does have a serious concussion? Often these players themselves initiate the contact to go down on purpose. There may have been contact, can you take a chance? They know it and they abuse it.

I think we're stuck with what we have, but refs should insist on players leaving the field. If I was the official, I'd sure want my arse cover in cases of serious head injury, and asking them to leave the field after an initial check is the best way.

I can eventually see technology and monitoring coming into this. Players who show irregularities in heart or brain functions and game stopped. But players and clubs will still find a way to cheat, it has become ingrained as a 'tactic' especially when facing superior opponents.
In terms of moving (or not moving) someone with a head injury, usually those with a decent bang to the head are not moving around very much.
Those getting a tickle on the face from passing fingertips and are rolling around like a hippo in mud and can clearly be turfed off the pitch for "treatment"
They thought making players leave the field after treatment would stop them.

Then they thought making them leave the field and stay off for 30 seconds would stop them.

Neither did. And I highly doubt an additional 30 seconds will either.
So add 4 minutes, or whatever amount of time it takes for teams to decide it’s not worth it.
I heard some ex rugby ref. on TV the other week, asked the biggest difference between reffing football and rugby?

He said… Football is 90 minutes of players pretending they’re injured.

Rugby is 80 minutes of players pretending they’re not injured.

Pretty close to the mark that I think.

I'm watching the Paris-Roubaix riders with their kit hanging off, horrible road rash. Still racing hanging on to the doctors cars as injuries are being cleaned.

Footballers are really embarrassing but no one ever calls them out, if anything they get praised for being clever.

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