'The heart has been ripped from the club I have loved'

ManCityX said:
Remember this article? I wonder how Colin Shindler feels a year later?


At least this Abu Dhabi lot have got money, but that's all they've got. They've taken my love who Shinawatra turned into a whore, cloaked her in the finest of silk dresses and doused her in the most seductive of Arabian fragrances.

I don't recognise her any longer. She might look beautiful but she's rotten at the core. I still love her. How could I not after all these years? The opposite of love is indifference and I'm certainly not indifferent to what happens to Manchester City.

Sorry but I am usually unbiased to an extent and keep an open mind. Please take a look at my past posts. Here is what I think to your post


I am a 36 year old City fan home games since I was 13 and home and away since I was 16 (besides a few yearsa living abroad)
36 Is not a good age to be a City fan for obvious reasons.
The older guys in te pun talk about Bell, Lee and Sumberbee and I'm like great but what about me?
I took my 2 and half year old on Saturday and I looked at him and thought you lucky git! You ave so much to look forward to in school. rather than living in a shadow (despite enjoying the tag of were still here)

I have loved my CITY despite the results.My highlights as follows:
Div 2 playoff final Wembley diving in the fountains in Trafalgar Square
5-1 (I hope you know what means)
Nial Quinn scoring a goal and saving a penalty.
Hamburg away last year!
Rags when ever they lost
City away at Villa (te year of Good luck Villa from the City of Manchester around 95?)
Going up many times
Plus others.
BUT - In the scheme of things it is about time this 36 year old had a bit more to celebrate!
If it is said sell your soul to the devil for trophies and sucess I would in a heart beat. However it isn't the devil. It's a foreigner enjoying his new toy. My god I hope he enjoys playing with it and it gives him much pleasure.
Ask Chelsea fans what they think of their Russian Whore?
The time is now, the new era is City get used to it.
You don't like the great players on the pitch? the media turned against us? the few extra fans that were not there a year ago?
Well I for one have ad my fill of Chesterfield away - in the league not the cup.
ME I am a now a greedy twxt and I watch the news like a hawk for new signings. I drool over Boaeteng on the right, Kolorov on the left. YAYA passing to Silva as Tevez thunders in on goal.
I do see your love for City in your comment. However I happy to watch the seductive Arabian silk wearing team win the Premiersip and Champions league. Maybe not this year but in the years to follow .
Oh and here is a question I pose to you all.
Would you prefer a slow painful death of the arrogant ones in Trafford or a quick shot to the heart. Me, I choose 3rd, 5th, 10th etc..
BRING IT ON.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:11 pm --<br /><br />
Compstall35 said:
ManCityX said:
Remember this article? I wonder how Colin Shindler feels a year later?


At least this Abu Dhabi lot have got money, but that's all they've got. They've taken my love who Shinawatra turned into a whore, cloaked her in the finest of silk dresses and doused her in the most seductive of Arabian fragrances.

I don't recognise her any longer. She might look beautiful but she's rotten at the core. I still love her. How could I not after all these years? The opposite of love is indifference and I'm certainly not indifferent to what happens to Manchester City.

Sorry but I am usually unbiased to an extent and keep an open mind. Please take a look at my past posts. Here is what I think to your post


I am a 36 year old City fan home games since I was 13 and home and away since I was 16 (besides a few yearsa living abroad)
36 Is not a good age to be a City fan for obvious reasons.
The older guys in te pun talk about Bell, Lee and Sumberbee and I'm like great but what about me?
I took my 2 and half year old on Saturday and I looked at him and thought you lucky git! You ave so much to look forward to in school. rather than living in a shadow (despite enjoying the tag of were still here)

I have loved my CITY despite the results.My highlights as follows:
Div 2 playoff final Wembley diving in the fountains in Trafalgar Square
5-1 (I hope you know what means)
Nial Quinn scoring a goal and saving a penalty.
Hamburg away last year!
Rags when ever they lost
City away at Villa (te year of Good luck Villa from the City of Manchester around 95?)
Going up many times
Plus others.
BUT - In the scheme of things it is about time this 36 year old had a bit more to celebrate!
If it is said sell your soul to the devil for trophies and sucess I would in a heart beat. However it isn't the devil. It's a foreigner enjoying his new toy. My god I hope he enjoys playing with it and it gives him much pleasure.
Ask Chelsea fans what they think of their Russian Whore?
The time is now, the new era is City get used to it.
You don't like the great players on the pitch? the media turned against us? the few extra fans that were not there a year ago?
Well I for one have ad my fill of Chesterfield away - in the league not the cup.
ME I am a now a greedy twxt and I watch the news like a hawk for new signings. I drool over Boaeteng on the right, Kolorov on the left. YAYA passing to Silva as Tevez thunders in on goal.
I do see your love for City in your comment. However I happy to watch the seductive Arabian silk wearing team win the Premiersip and Champions league. Maybe not this year but in the years to follow .
Oh and here is a question I pose to you all.
Would you prefer a slow painful death of the arrogant ones in Trafford or a quick shot to the heart. Me, I choose 3rd, 5th, 10th etc..

Apologies to the spelling mistakes I had an interview today and had a few drinks tonight.
i,ve got man united ruined my life the bbc tv version,it gave quite a good insite which i was able to relate too, their were parts where interviews were taking place with celebrities and some with ordinary fans from both colors, their was one part where where a guy was interviewed an ex pat from manchester living in london, he proceeded to state about his youngest son who was very ill, who died on the morning of city,s final game at bradford when we got promoted, he said that he shouldn,t have thought about city at all that day but you can,t live a breath a football club it is your blood, i was happy he said but with the total devastation of his son who supported city gone, i was in tears myself i felt so much hurt for this guy, the next guy to be interviewed was the red tony wilson off granada, he said we all think city fans are sad bastards? i am sure colin Schindler still loves city it is in his blood and he is entitled to his opinion,but i bet real deeply he is regretting that what was said?
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think I dealt with him. We haven't heard from him since.

Perhaps he should write a book called "Manchester City Ruined Football"

Come on P_B, you can't leave it at that, what did you do? Where did you bury the body?
Pretty please, pray tell!
lloydie said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think I dealt with him. We haven't heard from him since.

Perhaps he should write a book called "Manchester City Ruined Football"

Come on P_B, you can't leave it at that, what did you do? Where did you bury the body?
Pretty please, pray tell!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1206137/You-wrong-Colin--love-City.html?ITO=1490" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... l?ITO=1490</a>
Celtic Pete said:
I think you miss the point, though. He's saying that City were always regarded as the peoples club and the fans were well respected the world over. Players were able to come up through the ranks and play in the first team.

His fears are that we would give up all of that integrity which has always formed the heart of our club, and then become a figure of hate for buying our way to the top table without actually working hard for it.

Suppose the price of success is selling your soul to the devil. Look at Chelsea.

You're still here?

Back to Redcafe please....
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think I dealt with him. We haven't heard from him since.

Perhaps he should write a book called "Manchester City Ruined Football"

You did well. I think we'll hear from him again one day though, because he does seem to be someone the media like to quote/write for them. My guess is that we'll hear from him either when...

1 - City reach a major cup final or are about to win the title and he'll write saying how his love has been rekindled


2 - When we fail in some form, so that he can go on again about why he's lost his love.

Either way, I'm sure he'll be appropriately rewarded by the media. he might even write a book on it.
Gary James said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
I think I dealt with him. We haven't heard from him since.

Perhaps he should write a book called "Manchester City Ruined Football"

You did well. I think we'll hear from him again one day though, because he does seem to be someone the media like to quote/write for them. My guess is that we'll hear from him either when...

1 - City reach a major cup final or are about to win the title and he'll write saying how his love has been rekindled


2 - When we fail in some form, so that he can go on again about why he's lost his love.

Either way, I'm sure he'll be appropriately rewarded by the media. he might even write a book on it.

Never had you down as a cynic Gary. There may be some mileage in a book about Shindler selling out to the rag media. Now there's a thought.
Gary James said:
Either way, I'm sure he'll be appropriately rewarded by the media. he might even write a book on it.

Rest assured, if he does write a book about it, it will have Manchester United in the title to ensure his sales in the south of the country.
D'ya know what lads, I'd love glory for my team, absolutely love it. If a sheikh came gushing with oily lucre, I'd slither up close to him and try convince him he had discovered a once beautiful but dry oasis and that a mere slick from his bottomless well of black gold could grease the wheels that could restore said oasis to its former glory.

And I'd still do that knowing what my team, and its supporters, would turn into. And its this.

Do you all realise, I can see that some you do, how others see you now? Unseemly squabbling about the 'nasty traits' of last season's heroes who are having to make way for the latest 'must have' over-priced and over-paid pretender. Blindly ignoring the alarm bells of recent performances that suggests that even with a squad of super stars, you can't force square pegs in round holes.

Your squad is rapidly resembling a fashion house where everything becomes 'so last season' and the emporium always demands new stock.

Its a sad and squalid place which I believe would become the fate of any set of supporters given the poisoned chalice of unlimited wealth. I can't condemn you for this because I know, 'there but for the grace of God go many'.

A genuine good luck for next season. I hope you can be graceful if any success comes next season because you know it will be begrudged by many. However there will be many more who will be happy to see the fall of the Ancien Regime and the emergence of the sans-culottes!
FriendlyBlue said:
D'ya know what lads, I'd love glory for my team, absolutely love it. If a sheikh came gushing with oily lucre, I'd slither up close to him and try convince him he had discovered a once beautiful but dry oasis and that a mere slick from his bottomless well of black gold could grease the wheels that could restore said oasis to its former glory.

And I'd still do that knowing what my team, and its supporters, would turn into. And its this.

Do you all realise, I can see that some you do, how others see you now? Unseemly squabbling about the 'nasty traits' of last season's heroes who are having to make way for the latest 'must have' over-priced and over-paid pretender. Blindly ignoring the alarm bells of recent performances that suggests that even with a squad of super stars, you can't force square pegs in round holes.

Your squad is rapidly resembling a fashion house where everything becomes 'so last season' and the emporium always demands new stock.

Its a sad and squalid place which I believe would become the fate of any set of supporters given the poisoned chalice of unlimited wealth. I can't condemn you for this because I know, 'there but for the grace of God go many'.

A genuine good luck for next season. I hope you can be graceful if any success comes next season because you know it will be begrudged by many. However there will be many more who will be happy to see the fall of the Ancien Regime and the emergence of the sans-culottes!

I don't know which club you support, but you've made the classic schoolboy error of judgeing City fans on a day on Bluemoon.

Go to the ground, go to the pubs around the ground, and you would see that we're still the same old self-deprecating, passionate fans that we always were.

Nothing's changed.

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