Am i selfish for keeping a jumbo pack of toilet/kitchen rolls in the garage since the shortages?
Or is this just prudence because of what happened last year?
I also keep the freezer in the garage stocked up with frozen food. The food is rotated but always kept full.
Since the fuel shortages many years ago, i also make sure both cars and my van never run low on fuel.
We tend to keep a good stock of tinned food in the house. Again it is rotated, but never allowed to run low.
There is also nearly always at least a sack of rice under the stairs.
I'm not a prepper, but have seen constantly over the years how people react to shortages.
Since the latest fuel shortages, i haven't been to the garage to "top up".
This isn't out of the goodness of my heart, rather i couldn't arsed hunting around or queuing.
I will need fuel this week though as we are actually getting low. Since i didn't add to the panic buying, am i now allowed to get some fuel? (thought i better ask the guardians of public morals on here first etc)