The Inflation of Player Fees - Are we complicit or squeaky clean?

Lord Blue

Well-Known Member
13 May 2008
croydon (but manchester born and bred)
One of the supposed original tenets of FFP player was arresting the inflation of player fees.
Has it worked in any shape or form?
If not, who is most responsible and who is the least responsible?
I think a thread with transfer examples that demonstrate restraint or profligacy is in order.
I'll go first with a couple of easy ones related to us ( not saying these deals were good or bad. Just if they're linked to inflationary fees )

We had a deal in place at a price that we saw fit.
Player, selling club and buying club all happy.
United came in and bid more than his value.
United help inflation, City help restraint.

City had a valuation and held firm. United bid crazy money for him.
United help inflation, City help restraint.

Simple release clause.
City help inflation.
Rice - Went to Arsenal when City wouldnt pay fees they wanted. We didnt come in with a massive outbid. (Arsenal overpaid imo)
Sanchez - Wanted massive massive wages and we said no. (Fuck off and go play piano is what we said to him I believe).
In fact virtually any player utd have bought we usually went for him and left them to it. If anyone has fucked up the transfer market it has been utd in their pursuit of getting the player we wanted.
Rice - Went to Arsenal when City wouldnt pay fees they wanted. We didnt come in with a massive outbid. (Arsenal overpaid imo)
Sanchez - Wanted massive massive wages and we said no. (Fuck off and go play piano is what we said to him I believe).
In fact virtually any player utd have bought we usually went for him and left them to it. If anyone has fucked up the transfer market it has been utd in their pursuit of getting the player we wanted.
Maguire, Sanchez, Rice and Fred nothing will ever convince me that Tikxi and co took the piss and the red shirts fell for it.
Mrs Vienna said at the time that we bought Jolson that it’s not the buying club that inflates the price, rather the selling one.
I was gonna do an Al Jolson joke here, but I'm not sure on the suitability these days on that kind of joke. Anyway, what ever your Liberal leanings on jokes just imagine a picture of him below....
It's only recently that we have been remotely bothered about who is paid what and who is paying what, just because the cartel want to kneecap anyone else who can compete on their level doesn't mean we should give any credibility to FFP and we need t0 accept it's a hamstringing tool for upstarts.
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For anyone even slightly on the fence, we win the title and wham FFP was born :)

When did the Premier League introduce FFP?


The Premier League's Profit and Sustainability Rules (PSR) were adopted in 2013 and based on UEFA's FFP. By comparison, the Premier League allows clubs to take losses of up to £105 million over a three-year rolling period without incurring any penalty.

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