The Inflation of Player Fees - Are we complicit or squeaky clean?

The agents fees, if paid by the club, enable the player to avoid paying the fee out of TAXED income. You can’t claim tax allowance for your accountants fees for eg.

Every little helps.

That's exactly what Utd done for years, bought midtable teams best players. There is a premium for any club to sell their best player. That's not inflating the market, that is the market. The PSG purchase of Neymar is the most glaringly obvious instance of inflating the market. Barcelona don't pay the huge fees for Dembele and Coutinhio without that sale, Liverpool don't pay the fees they did for Van Dijk and Alisson without that sale, Southampton wouldn't have even considered asking for half that before the Neymar transaction.

Man City have caused massive wage inflation. Lampard was the highest paid player in the PL in 2008 on 140k per week. By 2010 City have Toure and Tevez on nearly twice that. The knock on affects of that have hit all our pockets in ticket prices and tv subscriptions.
The real cause of wage inflation though is inflation in income of the clubs. No-one is spending 100 million on a player if they're not making more than that from TV rights and commercial deals. That's why you're seeing even mid table clubs regularly spending 50 million on players.

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