The Key The Secret - beating Chelsea...

LoveCity said:
Only a truly spoiled or bitter/jaded or unusually biased City fan could have an agenda against De Jong, considering the amount of good games he has had for us. One of our most consistent and effective players for a long time now. We would have lost the Chelsea game without him probably.

You cant prove that though therefore it is just an invalid comment. You could say we wouldnt have won if Bellamy wasnt playing. How do you know.What if Barry wasnt playing? Would we have won? You cant just say ifs and buts.

In my opinion he played an important role but no more important than 10 others out there that day
johnmc said:
kippaxblue76 said:
So you dont think he is vital to the team the way we set up?

Depends on the opposition.

People like to rate him as world class on here because he doesnt take all the plaudits so it makes them seem to think they "know about football" if they champion him. He has good games and bad games like others but on bluemoon to most he can do no wrong.

If we win it is down to him shielding the defence so well, if we lose it is down to others not defending properly as he did his job perfectly.

Your bias against him is laid bare.

The video compilation is exactly eight minutes long, yet you felt confident in your own knowledge to be dimissive of his talent, certainly on that day, and not even bother to watch it.

For the record, only four minutes had elapsed prior to you sticking the boot in to one of the very best players at the club, and me posting.

Keep you negative agenda to yourself.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
johnmc said:
And by others overrated

Yeah, usually ones of the four fingered kind and who also consider balti pies to be haute cuisine.

If you have ever played football, at any level, you realise how incredibly impressive it is to be in the right place so often.

And not only in the right place but then choosing the simple, effective option whilst under pressure.

Anyone who doesnt rate Nige doesnt understand football IMO.
fbloke said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Yeah, usually ones of the four fingered kind and who also consider balti pies to be haute cuisine.

If you have ever played football, at any level, you realise how incredibly impressive it is to be in the right place so often.

And not only in the right place but then choosing the simple, effective option whilst under pressure.

Anyone who doesnt rate Nige doesnt understand football IMO.

Couldn't have put it better myself.
We seem to be bossing the midfield and keeping possesion alot this year but the other week when he was missing against Blackburn, i really thought we didnt look as impressive in the middle and they had more time there. Thats when i realised what it is he does so effectivly for us
Failsworth_Blue said:
Whether you think he's overrated or not surely you can't deny that his performance against Chelsea at home last season was absolutely outstanding?

Ok. But against teams where we should have won but drew he shouldnt have been on the pitch but to many as he did a non descript defensive midfielder role he is not seen to be at fault.

If you are a defensive midfielder and your not stopping attacks or shielding the defence as the opposition have 10 men behind the ball then you have to get involved in attack. He is incapable of doing so but can do no wrong in most peoples eyes

You know what, I like him but the love in for him at the minute gets to me. Barry has played as well if not better than him this season but doesnt get a tenth of the credit of NDJ. In fact Barry having a goodf game often mean NDJ allowed him to!!!<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:05 pm --<br /><br />
tolmie's hairdoo said:
johnmc said:
Depends on the opposition.

People like to rate him as world class on here because he doesnt take all the plaudits so it makes them seem to think they "know about football" if they champion him. He has good games and bad games like others but on bluemoon to most he can do no wrong.

If we win it is down to him shielding the defence so well, if we lose it is down to others not defending properly as he did his job perfectly.

Your bias against him is laid bare.

The video compilation is exactly eight minutes long, yet you felt confident in your own knowledge to be dimissive of his talent, certainly on that day, and not even bother to watch it.

For the record, only four minutes had elapsed prior to you sticking the boot in to one of the very best players at the club, and me posting.

Keep you negative agenda to yourself.

Im at work so cannot see the video - you giving him full credit for the win against chelsea is a case of your bias laid bare towards him He was one of 11 - all played there part and i dont think NDJ deserved any special praise ovber anyone else that day
I love NDJ as a player. But as with ALL players, it's horses for courses. Like all players NDJ has certain characteristics. If the team tactics call for a player of those characteristics i think there are very few that could be described as significantly better.

Playing at home in the carling cup tie against Stockport County, you probably wouldn't need or want him in the side. But against Chelsea he'd be a definite starter for me.

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