The King’s Speech 2023

Thought (the religious bit notwithstanding) much of what he said was right (being kinder to each other, helping out those less fortunate, wishing for peace) but it was all brought into sharp relief by the drone shot of his massive fucking palace and grounds in central London. Talk about lack of self-awareness.

If he really wants to make a statement then give a serious chunk of his wealth away. He’ll still be wealthy afterwards - and what an example that set to other billionaires, who also have more than they could ever want, while people struggle to feed and heat themselves.

Only then could his speech actually mean anything.
I agree, i don't believe in any god, but i thought he covered that bit quite well. he's very inclusive. i always think of the royals as custodians of the palaces etc. it's not like they can take them with them. should it get into the hands of the government i suspect it would be lost to the nation in next to no time.
So the King has spoken and yet he still went on about God and shit. Fuck me, Charles, get with it - that God shit doesn’t wash with anyone anymore.

Well you have to bear in mind that it’s no exaggeration to say that the existence of his entire station is rooted in religion.

The king is the king because he is supposedly ordained by god. That family has ancient charts that show their lineage going back thousands of years to link them with the likes of Jesus and Adam & Eve.

All bollocks of course, but if you’re expecting the literal head of the largest church in the country to come out and dismiss the religion that provides the justification for them sitting on vast coffers of wealth, then I think you’ll be waiting a while.
They should air it every day, beats the normal rubbish they air quite comfortably. I wonder how many people watched it so they can complain they don't like it?

The King's Speech proved to be the most popular, with 7.48million viewers
No such commandment...

Some may argue that nos 8 & 10 "could" (at a stretch) cover that "sin". Not for me.

Plus; is being rich a sin in itself? Playing devil's advocate here. Take Joe Bloggs. All his life he's been kind to animals, donated to "charidee", did lots of voluntary work in his local community, gave up his seat on the bus to little old ladies, was a regular churchgoer etc etc; suddenly, one weekend, he wins a couple of million on the lottery. Is he now prohibited from getting through the pearly gates?
OK so the being rich bit wasnt a commandment.
It was a parable by Jesus who said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
I’m not his biggest fan, but can anybody that has made a mistake not give advice anymore?

It seems to be that if someone made a mistake 40 years ago that they can’t make any comment anymore.
Harry Maguire makes mistakes.
Shagging Camila while they were both married to someone else wasn't "a mistake.."

He is the head of the Church of England

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