Well-Known Member
They have done nothing they are all the same ........ this week ...... oh wait......
UK buys back 36,000 military homes after 'disastrous' privatisation
Military homes bought by Ministry of Defence in £6bn deal to end 'disastrous' privatisation sell-off that cost taxpayers £
Labour promises £1bn to tackle homelessness in shift towards prevention
The Labour government has said it will spend £1bn tackling homelessness in 2025 by shifting to prevention to end homeless
They’re adding some money to the homeless pot to bring it up to a £1bn. Still way short of what local authorities have to stump out however which is £2.5bn. Every thing helps but it’s not really a big tick in the box for Labour, it’s good though, especially as they are stipulating how it should be spent.
Good on buying back the housing. Tick in the box for Labour on this one.