The Labour Government

I personally believed it would be something that would be announced in their first budget, so maybe you're right they want to do it then. Not holding out any hope for it though.

They've hinted so many times that they're going to drop it early in the Parliament, that I'd be stunned if it doesn't go in the first or second budgets.

I suspect they're quite happy to be able to have a show of strength early, making the point about not spending money. It'll probably make it easier to spend later too, if this makes an impression, as they can file this under "tough decisions".

I like John McDonnell, but it's just showmanship, as he knows full well the reasons why they're holding off making the change. By not doing it now, Labour will hope they have a better chance of staying in power for more than 5 years, and that's going to make a much bigger difference.
It's always the same people though. I'll give it a few weeks until the socialists are doing what they did everyday in the Tory thread and just start repeating endless shite. All because their gang has been marginalised out.

The only thing they can't do this time around is call their fellow electorate thick twats for voting Labour because they probably did so themselves....

I voted for the newly elected liberal democrat MP.
It's always the same people though. I'll give it a few weeks until the socialists are doing what they did everyday in the Tory thread and just start repeating endless shite. All because their gang has been marginalised out.

The only thing they can't do this time around is call their fellow electorate thick twats for voting Labour because they probably did so themselves....

Thick Twa..... hold on!
Give me a crumb of evidence that they actually care then. Anything.

So every single Labour MP just doesn’t care about kids staving ? But you do, you’re different to each and everyone one of them?

Labour in its history have bought in policies and welfare programs to help the poorest in our society (you really want me to send you links on these?)
I've never understood the benefits cap, for kids. Surely a country that has to import worker's from abroad should have a long term goal encouraging the population to have kids. If that includes child benefit for every child, and even lower income tax if a parent/parents are working, so be it.
If you're are at a point where you're on benefits then you're also probably at a point in your life where having more kids is a bad choice.

The benefit system is a safety net, it does not exist to encourage people to have more kids to double their payouts..
If you're are at a point where you're on benefits then you're also probably at a point in your life where having more kids is a bad choice.

The benefit system is a safety net, it does not exist to encourage people to have more kids to double their payouts..
You just completely ignored my point about lower income tax for working parents. And child benefit is universal, not only for those on benefits.

Your post comes across like a daily mail benefit scroungers headline.
So every single Labour MP just doesn’t care about kids staving ? But you do, you’re different to each and everyone one of them?

Labour in its history have bought in policies and welfare programs to help the poorest in our society (you really want me to send you links on these?)

Not every Labour MP, no. There were at least 7 who voted to try and take kids out of poverty. I'm different to those who didn't though, thankfully.

No, I wanted you to give me evidence that this current Labour government give a shit. I should've been more clear, my apologies.

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