The Labour Government

So you're suggesting we've had even-handed policing and sentencing? If so, I think you are mistaken.

I am sure we can both find isolated examples on either side, but the question is not about isolated examples, it is about the situation as a whole.
I honestly don’t know what you’re on about.
There was a specific situation where copycat rioting was happening in several places around the country. This was dealt with in a very specific way by cracking down hard and quickly on the rioters in order to send a message to other potential rioters that they would be dealt with harshly. It was done as a deterrent and it worked. Just because someone lobbing a brick in this situation got several months incarceration rather than a community order doesn’t suggest two tier policing. It was specifically to stop the violence in its tracks. Starmer played a blinder on this.
Are you suggesting they should treated each rioter as if it was a one off event? If you are, it would have got a whole lot worse and people would have died.
Up to a month ago there were 700 arrests - a good number more since then and they will continue as promised by the Home Sec and the Police
A proportion of whom should not have been arrested. One man was arrested for shouting at a police dog.
I honestly don’t know what you’re on about.
There was a specific situation where copycat rioting was happening in several places around the country. This was dealt with in a very specific way by cracking down hard and quickly on the rioters in order to send a message to other potential rioters that they would be dealt with harshly. It was done as a deterrent and it worked. Just because someone lobbing a brick in this situation got several months incarceration rather than a community order doesn’t suggest two tier policing. It was specifically to stop the violence in its tracks. Starmer played a blinder on this.
Are you suggesting they should treated each rioter as if it was a one off event? If you are, it would have got a whole lot worse and people would have died.
You're entitled to your opinion. It's not one I share. Of course I support the police cracking down on rioters. I am merely suggesting that not everyone was a rioter and that the police applied different standards in certain situation which as hard to justify.

If you have a spare moment, take a look at this:

18 months in prison for this.
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A proportion of whom should not have been arrested. One man was arrested for shouting at a police dog.

If they shouldn't have been arrested they won't be charged and won't be convicted will they ( over half have already been convicted ) they guy you reference was also shouting racist slurs? You ok with that?

OK, watched it. John McTernan was talking nonsense. Thousands and thousands of people went outside to protest during these riots. A small number - perhaps a hundred or even a couple of hundred, I would guess - out of the thousands, were obviously criminals and did engage in riot. But thousands did not riot, they stood and watched and perhaps chanted or shouted.

To suggest they are all far-right racists is just ridiculous. Apart from anything else, the majority of people in many of those towns are Labour supporters. McTernan is just yet another example of someone who is not prepared to acknowledge that people are concerned about mass immigration. How on earth does he think Reform got 4,1m votes? Who were these voters, does he think?
You might well believe McTernan is talking nonsense, but believe me he's merely articulating mainstream Labour thinking and this has been Labour's view for decades, once you realise that, then the debate about two tier policing is a moot point. For Daubney this was political protest that got out of hand, but for McTernan this was racist perpetrators versus ethnic minority victims, there's no immunity for those who stand and watch, they're accessories to a crime, a racist riot and they're all culpable.

Your politics and mine are not aligned, but on this issue I profoundly disagree with Labour, it is not racist to be a nativist, it is not racist to believe in a mainstream British culture. Racism is a belief in racial superiority and inferiority, it's only in the last couple of decades that racism has ballooned to encompass nativism and immigration.
If they shouldn't have been arrested they won't be charged and won't be convicted will they ( over half have already been convicted ) they guy you reference was also shouting racist slurs? You ok with that?

Of course, i don't condone shouting racist slurs. But 18 months in prison for it, seems excessive to me. I was witness to a violent crime some years back where after road rage, one bloke had the other on the floor and set about him with a metal bar. I was called as a witness and had to go to court around Christmas time. The bloke was convicted of "common assault" and given a community service order. But shouting at a police dog and even shouting racist commenst (we don't know what was said), 18 months in prison. Assault with a metal bar, no prison time. Just saying things; prison time. Doesn't seem right to me.

Many have been charged when they should not have been and even more concerning, told they will not get bail, and therefore they should plead guilty in order to spend less time in prison.
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