The Labour Government

It's the fucking reason he has to control immigration, can you not fucking read?
Oh, I can read alright. You just took it as him accusing everyone of being racist for suggesting controlling immigration when it was clear he was only having a pop at so-called populists such as that racist **** Farage, that racist **** Anderson, and that racist **** Yaxley-Lennon. No doubt all 3 of those are heroes of yours and you don't think any of them are racist though.
Some immigration is an economic necessity, which is why the Tory government allowed millions in with visas. The boat people were a very convenient distraction, as it encouraged people to focus on that more than the multiple times larger amount of legal, approved immigration.

What is needed is for politicians of all parties to be honest. They need to explain publicly why we need legal immigration and set out the consequences of not having it. One consequence would be a burning need to train more of our own people at significant cost, but I suspect that's only the start of it.

The problem is that politicians are mealy-mouthed. They know explanations would be complex and would fly over most people's heads. So instead they insult our intelligence with silly three-word slogans and imply that they're trying to stop something they have no intention of stopping.

The asylum issue is separate and has no easy solution short of becoming a pariah state. The only (partial) solution is via international cooperation, largely with the EU. That was a dirty word under the Tories and there are still many people who see any agreement with the EU as a 'sell out'. Until this juvenile attitude is fucked off we shall make no progress.

Labour will never debate this issue, because to do so they would have to address nativism, in so doing they'd have to explicitly state their view that nativism is racism.

You state....

"a burning need to train more of our own people"

Labour doesn't believe in the concept of "our own people".

That's why the right refer to the likes of Blair, Brown and Starmer as globalists because there's a sliver of truth to it, it's why Starmer feels the need to fly the Union flag all the time because he knows the left has lost the argument on nativism by default, because it's an argument they can't have, because Labour doesn't believe in nativism but can't publicly admit it.

This dissonance on Britishness led to Brexit, to the racist riots, to the general powerlessness and unease we all feel about the state of our country, our history, who we are, what we stand for.

We all blame the likes of Farage and Robinson for this mess and they are culpable grifters and agitators, of that there is no doubt, but they're a symptom, not the cause.
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This is nothing new. The level of sentencing is no different to what was dished out in the wake of the 2011 riots. I didn't see anyone moaning about 2 tier policing then. In fact, the whole country were pretty much agreed that the rioters got what they deserved. Some Portuguese bloke get a 16 month prison sentence for stealing an ice cream and taking one lick of it, and was also threatened with deportation.

Fuck around and get found out.
The issue is other communities doing the same thing and zero arrests. I think the gov are worried what would happen if the asian community mobilised where as the white working class will do as they are fuckin told and be sent to prison of they go against it
It's the fucking reason he has to control immigration because you have to be careful not to upset the population, can you not fucking read?

If it were left to him we wouldn't have a culture left he'd have killed it. But people like you don't seem to give two fucks about that I wonder why that is?
If that's your main takeaway from what Blair said then you've well and truly lost the fucking plot!
The issue is other communities doing the same thing and zero arrests. I think the gov are worried what would happen if the asian community mobilised where as the white working class will do as they are fuckin told and be sent to prison of they go against it
Well it's already been pointed out that Asians have been arrested and sentenced too
Oh, I can read alright. You just took it as him accusing everyone of being racist for suggesting controlling immigration when it was clear he was only having a pop at so-called populists such as that racist **** Farage, that racist **** Anderson, and that racist **** Yaxley-Lennon. No doubt all 3 of those are heroes of yours and you don't think any of them are racist though.

You're fucking ranting now, that Blair **** would have gone full steam ahead and this anti-white shite you are spouting would have been worse.

You didn't mention Hitler you soft twat, seems you're slipping.
You're fucking ranting now, that Blair **** would have gone full steam ahead and this anti-white shite you are spouting would have been worse.

You didn't mention Hitler you soft twat, seems you're slipping.
Anti-white shite? Oh, fuck off you lying snowflake ****. Tell you what twatty bollocks - come and meet me for a pint at the next home game and we'll discuss it then
Anti-white shite? Oh, fuck off you lying snowflake ****. Tell you what twatty bollocks - come and meet me for a pint at the next home game and we'll discuss it then

You've ranted because you haven't got anything else, one of those soft cunts who don't like it thrown back at them.

And yes, anti-white shite, your posts smack of it, the term cunty bollocks isn't exactly original but from you it's a step in the right direction.
You've ranted because you haven't got anything else, one of those soft cunts who don't like it thrown back at them.

And yes, anti-white shite, your posts smack of it, the term cunty bollocks isn't exactly original but from you it's a step in the right direction.
Spot the racist Reform voter completely and utterly losing the plot!

Go on Einstein - tell us all what's so anti-White about my posts? (P.S: Calling out Farage, Anderson, and Yaxley-Lennon doesn't make someone anti-white). And if you can't then come and discuss it with me at the Brentford game on the 14th.

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