The Labour Government

No they didn’t.

You are confusing asylum applicants with regular immigrants who require visas to live here.. which are not granted unless they have skills the government of the day considers we are short of. Like nurses or midwifes.

You see, complex issues don’t admit simple solutions. Turns out, leaving the EU means we don’t have a ready supply of mobile labour any more. So when we don’t have enough nurses,say, the government understands we either grant visas to nurses who want to come here or we carry on with the shortage.

So apart from visas granted because, say, an English bloke marries an American and they decide to set up home here, visas are granted to people we need.

Because If they hadn’t we wouldn’t have enough nurses. Or midwifes.

Turns out saying “no immigration” isn’t the simple answer even the last Government thought it was.

I am not confusing anything you are confusing everything. Your VISA figure was wrong I haven't mentioned Asylum YOU have.

Don't make the mistake of putting words in my mouth it wont end well for you,just admit your VISA figure was wrong and move on from there.

Just because the Tories did something it doesn't mean what they did was right.
I am not confusing anything you are confusing everything. Your VISA figure was wrong I haven't mentioned Asylum YOU have.

Don't make the mistake of putting words in my mouth it wont end well for you,just admit your VISA figure was wrong and move on from there.

Just because the Tories did something it doesn't mean what they did was right.

Do you not think you can grow as a person after leaving education?
That life experience can give you a better idea of what people want rather than a masters or degree in some random subject?
I’d trust her over the majority of cunts you’ve had systematically ruining the country you claim to love over the last 14 years.
You throwing your toys out of the pram is the cherry on top of the big beautiful cake.

I think you can also learn to speak yes. She has not managed it through.

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