The Labour Government

I seem to remember reading that none of Thatcher's governments actually obtained a majority of the electoral vote, even the landslide ones.

Her landslides happened for a very similar reason as we went to three party politics, with the SDP/Lib Alliance getting 20%+. She got a higher share in 1979 but it was much closer in terms of seats.

This time round, we've got the first 4 party election (and the chaos that created with FPTP probably created the lack of jeopardy that led to the Green's pretty much doubling their highest ever vote share).
I like sophie but she has been banging on about this all day

TBF it’s the same every election. Whoever wins has their authority “questioned” because only (some remarkably low number)% of the population voted for them. It’ll soon die down, it doesn’t change the result one iota.

The only thing Starmer’s team might want to look at once the celebrations die down is how Labours vote really only held up (gains from Tory and losses to reform) overall a small gain % wise on Corbyn. He now has 5 years to show what’s he about and he will have a record to point to come 2029. I hope he does well, it’s in all our interests that he does.
Think his cabinet will be very strong and certainly more productive than Sunaks muppets
I’m delighted with the people he surrounds himself with most of them seem level headed and will do an excellent job.
Ed Davey and Farage to much like Johnson, Davey doing attention grabbing stunts and Farage a loud mouth only there because the Tory vote crashed wants PR that’s his priority.
Reece Mogg gone, Penny Mordaunt gone a great night
I’m delighted with the people he surrounds himself with most of them seem level headed and will do an excellent job.
Ed Davey and Farage to much like Johnson, Davey doing attention grabbing stunts and Farage a loud mouth only there because the Tory vote crashed wants PR that’s his priority.
Reece Mogg gone, Penny Mordaunt gone a great night
Agree on all but did feel Mordaunt was decent and will be a loss to them

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