The Labour Government


These revelations remind me more and more of the joke about the Barber who is doing Community Service.
The first day a florist has his hair cut and the barber refuses payment as he is doing community service. The next day the barber finds a bunch of flowers and a thank you card.
The next day a policeman had his hair cut, barber refuses payment again, next day a box of doughnuts on his doorstep.
The next day a Member of Parliament had his hair cut, barber explains again and refuses payment.
The following day there is a queue of a dozen Members of Parliament waiting for a free haircut.
That folks is the fundamental difference between the ordinary citizens of our country and the people who run our country unfortunately.

I had such high hopes, you'd think at my age I'd realise it doesn't change. :-(
Paying them more is the best option , it might stop more deserting the sinking ship for now , he also needs to give them free parking , it is a scandal they have to pay hundreds of pounds a year to go to work . Restart the bursary for trainee nurses and go back to training on the wards , you dont need a degree to be a nurse , i learnt on the job , three months in school to learn human biology , how to do drips and basic nursing care then turfed out onto a three month placememt for example casualty, then a couple of weeks in school to take exams on what we did so far then out again to a different area of the hospital , rinse and repeat for three years, doesnt take as long train and gives you extra bodies on the wards and no huge debt
What we need as an absolute priority in this country is to pay those working a decent rate of pay. It's horrendous paying the rent expectations in the privately rented sector, and also getting on the mortgage ladder for younger people.

There used to be a time when it was common for a man alone (usually a man anyway) to be able to support his whole family.

I did it too, as a lone parent after my marriage breakdown.

Why did that change to having to get Government/taxpayers to support it?

That's the thing that pisses me off.
And @kaz7 I completely understand your concerns re the possible upcoming issues for people who are sick and on benefits. A close family member of mine has Spina Bifida and learning disabilities, and I know how any rumours of change are impacting on his carer (his mum, who is a Pensioner and very worried on his behalf). I think we need to calm down and just wait for the budget though.
However, f you are genuine eg suffering a long term illness etc I doubt there is much to worry about.

But also, the WCA was introduced by Labour 16 years ago. Plus, the people who assess for that aren't even DWP staff. It goes to a DWP Decision Maker but they only make their decision based on what the "healthcare professional" from the contracted company asked and forwarded.

So, please don't slag us off.
We even have a 6 point plan on our desktops to address suicides. It's not an easy job. We have millions of "contacts" every week...including those who have a terminal illness.

I was on a training course not so long ago, and listened to one of those calls. The DWP agent was brilliant. Much better than I could have been.
And @kaz7 I completely understand your concerns re the possible upcoming issues for people who are sick and on benefits. A close family member of mine has Spina Bifida and learning disabilities, and I know how any rumours of change are impacting on his carer (his mum, who is a Pensioner and very worried on his behalf). I think we need to calm down and just wait for the budget though.
However, f you are genuine eg suffering a long term illness etc I doubt there is much to worry about.

But also, the WCA was introduced by Labour 16 years ago. Plus, the people who assess for that aren't even DWP staff. It goes to a DWP Decision Maker but they only make their decision based on what the "healthcare professional" from the contracted company asked and forwarded.

So, please don't slag us off.
We even have a 6 point plan on our desktops to address suicides. It's not an easy job. We have millions of "contacts" every week...including those who have a terminal illness.

I was on a training course not so long ago, and listened to one of those calls. The DWP agent was brilliant. Much better than I could have been.
You have a difficult job and i am sure you are doing a good job :) i have just had my latest decison on pips and i am ok till the next assessment in about two years time , awarded for three but they always send me the forms the year before . It is very worrying every time, just waiting , had to wait a year for this decision , there is much to fix in the system

My last face to face was with an ex paramedic with a month of training , i always ask who they are before i go through three hours of defending my corner , what she wrote down and her assesment of me determines everything , it is a gut wrenching experience

I will wait and see but not very comfortably

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