The Labour Party

I wouldn’t fancy being an MP to be honest.

It’s not the abuse I would receive that puts me off - that wouldn’t bother me in the least - it’s more the fact that I couldn’t give any back.

Anyway, it’s all hypothetical and given that I’m not a raving anti-Semite, I certainly wouldn’t be able to stand for Labour in Rochdale.
Have you not noticed Lee Anderson abusing as many people as he can? Education ministers flipping the bird too. All gloves are off these days. Decorum left the chamber a while back!

What‘s happening in Israel shouldn’t be top of any party’s manifesto and the tiptoeing around it to avoid upsetting either side doesn't help.

Just had a notification that Labour’s candidate is no longer a Labour candidate, leaving the way for Galloway to have a platform to spout his shite.

That doesn’t help anyone.
Galloway is an illustration that Tories don't have a monopoly on morons.
I think Azhar Ali did a pretty good job at that.

Quite disgraceful - absolutely disgraceful in fact - that it’s taken so long for Labour to actually pull the plug on him.

Complete lack of backbone.
Hey, I put Harold Wilson into No10 and then Tony Bliar. I have experienced seven decades of Tory, Labour, LibLab, ConLib, and I have come to the conclusion, to which I am perfectly entitled, that there isn't a great deal of difference between them. They are all soaked to the skin in party dogma, and the last thing that crosses their mind is that they are governing our country for the good of everyone!
Starmer's your man, then. Unless you think "soft Tory" is a dogmatic party.

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