The Labour Party

Amidst the broad spectrum of socialism sure. If you are seriously suggesting that if the result had been different in 2019 we'd be on the path to the appropriation of all private property there is not much more to say ... aside from you need to give your head an extremist wobble.

He's also overlooked the increasing trend of new build housing estates being leasehold only. Not sure Corbyn had much to do with that.
I know you meant that as a warning, but I reckon a lot of people would take that right about now.

I've lived in a socialist country btw, and it makes fuck all difference to house prices to be fair. They have 100 year leases, which are for all intents and purposes the same as owning the house, so they still cost an absolute fortune. Far more than the richer, democratic country I currently live in, where you actually own the land if you buy a house.
I think you need to look beyond the housing market because I'm not necessarily talking about houses, I'm talking about their value as an asset and how that feeds into everything else.

Wishing for housing market collapse is incredibly stupid because who do you think pays to develop those fancy new flats in Manchester that have gone up over the last 10 years? A lot think it's the Chinese or Russians but actually it's your pension funds invested in property so it's your pension that stands to lose from collapse.

The only people wishing for housing collapse are those who aren't on the ladder. Naturally though those same people will change that view very quickly once they get on the ladder. Any sane homeowner will therefore vote accordingly to their interests which will be to protect the housing market.
Straight off to the editor of Newsnight to brag about it aswell. Just a game to these cunts.

Did leave this idiot pissing into the wind .... yet again :)

To be fair to him, he’d responded to what Watt had put saying if true (and it’s just been said on record in the commons that it wasn’t) twenty minutes before that person chose to selectively just put that tweet, so that’s more than a little disineguous.

Sums up the issues with social media in a nutshell though. Some will now just see the tweet you’ve put (either on Twitter or on here) and run with it.
To be fair to him, he’d responded to what Watt had put saying if true (and it’s just been said on record in the commons that it wasn’t) twenty minutes before that person chose to selectively just put that tweet, so that’s more than a little disineguous.

Sums up the issues with social media in a nutshell though. Some will now just see the tweet you’ve put (either on Twitter or on here) and run with it.
So the editor of Newsnight is lying then. Bit disingenuous to use the generic 'problem with social media' clause when the principal actors in this fucking pantomime is our entire political class.
So the editor of Newsnight is lying then. Bit disingenuous to use the generic 'problem with social media' clause when the principal actors in this fucking pantomime is our entire political class.

Whether he’s lying or not is irrelevant to my main point, that tweet was just to discredit Dunt and be misleading to anyone reading it when he’d already responded. It’s not disingenuous, it’s the main point I was making - the disingenuous use of social media by selective tweeting.
So the editor of Newsnight is lying then. Bit disingenuous to use the generic 'problem with social media' clause when the principal actors in this fucking pantomime is our entire political class.

Not sure why people are arsed about what Dunt says. He's just a desperate sad act, the centrist dad version of Paul Mason or Dan Hodges.
Nandy, Reeves, Lammy, streeting all are a shower of twats, with no principals or backbone.

we really at a stage where our politics is get rid of corrupt, self indulgent twats with self interest at heart for less corrupt and maybe more socially just but equally as in it for themselves lot

Politics as a business and well paid job to these, rather than a vocation or passion for doing something in the interest or for the good or the people
Professional politicians are a cancer upon this country. They have crippled us.

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