The Labour Party

I think it's as bad as this:

Abbott is seen as 'spoiling the brand/image.'

That seems to be how these people think. They are out to attract as many Tories as possible and if that means binning left-wingers who stick their head above the parapet, they will.

It's a kind of commercial decision. The sort of thing a supermarket does when it drops a brand because not enough of its customers want it.

Agreed. It’s a simple calculation in terms of attracting voters and also cuts off an avenue of attack by the Tories.

Personally, I always liked Abbott. Didn’t always agree with her, but she deserved to be treated with greater respect. Politics is a harsh business.
I just don’t think certain parts of the left want the opportunity to have a say in this country, it’s all about ideology and ego. They did very well and took control of the party, lost miserably in the election(s) and are now full out to try and bring Labour down.

If I was them, I’d wait until Labour got in government and then use their influence to ensure they deliver for their people. However, seems they don’t want that, they’d rather sit on the sidelines crying into their bitter.

Keith won the leadership election with many a "left wing" pledge, then went back on them, they have every right to say wtf?
Agreed. It’s a simple calculation in terms of attracting voters and also cuts off an avenue of attack by the Tories.

Personally, I always liked Abbott. Didn’t always agree with her, but she deserved to be treated with greater respect. Politics is a harsh business.

You liked a racist?

It shouldn't shock anyone that a racist would be shunned by their party, it's not even her first time is it?
That would be a perfectly good reason to shun her but I'm confident that's not why Starmer is doing so. The boring vacuous twat can't even make the right decision for the right reason and be honest about it.

I just want Labour to get themselves together they will be running the country very soon, and here they are again starting a bar fight.
You liked a racist?


No. I liked Abbott. She put up with a lot of shit, most of it unfair and racially driven with a side order of sexism. Consequently, I had sympathy for her, even when disagreeing with her opinion.

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