The Labour Party

Privileged ****. She should try growing up on the Surrey / Kent borders.

Pretty much. She's a lady that went into politics because she understood how benefit cuts brought in by Iain Duncan Smith had impacted people and worsened the quality of life of her mum's last few years.

It's no wonder we get poor quality and corrupt MPs when someone with integrity and genuinely held views and obvious talent and work ethic is treated like a dog turd they just stepped in.

Interesting comment from the bloke at the end. He's absolutely spot on.


There's nothing in those post she liked. She's been stitched up by Starmer and his cronies

Just for accuracy, didn't she accept at least one post was dodgy, but said she didn't remember liking it?

I read the Jon Stewart thing, where there was the suggestion she like it because of the video, but hadn't read the accompanying text in the repost. Not sure if that's the same post, as whenever it's news like this, they always beat around the bush.
The mad thing in all of this is you guys today have done a far better job than the actual Conservative Party in holding up a mirror to Labour.

Meanwhile, Sunak is taking photos of lambs.
Just for accuracy, didn't she accept at least one post was dodgy, but said she didn't remember liking it?

I read the Jon Stewart thing, where there was the suggestion she like it because of the video, but hadn't read the accompanying text in the repost. Not sure if that's the same post, as whenever it's news like this, they always beat around the bush.
Just for accuracy ;-)

Any thoughts on the high calibre candidates ? Or are you just popping in to parrot the party line?

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