The Labour Party

Just for accuracy ;-)

Any thoughts on the high calibre candidates ? Or are you just popping in to parrot the party line?
I've been on holiday - it was the first argument I saw, and that's the only thing I had to add ;)

In other news, I can't wait to spend the entire election campaign listening to you talking about Luke Akehurst.

I assume he's top of the Postman Pep pledge card.
The "Carrying that Ming vase" for Starmer's cautious approach is a decent analogy, but it seems that to get across the room you have to kick some people out of the way. This is just silly.

Just for accuracy, didn't she accept at least one post was dodgy, but said she didn't remember liking it?

I read the Jon Stewart thing, where there was the suggestion she like it because of the video, but hadn't read the accompanying text in the repost. Not sure if that's the same post, as whenever it's news like this, they always beat around the bush.
The accompanying text referred to the "Israel lobby". For accuracy, you'd have to decide whether that's an antisemitic trope, or it exists.
The "Carrying that Ming vase" for Starmer's cautious approach is a decent analogy, but it seems that to get across the room you have to kick some people out of the way. This is just silly.

I'd have said vicious and against proper Labour values, rather than silly. At this point this is nothing to do with ensuring the party is electable. It's about a small well backed lobbiest influenced clique imposing their views on a broader political party and purging people who provide even marginal dissent. It's not like we've just had a decade long lesson on how that shit show ends, is it?
The accompanying text referred to the "Israel lobby". For accuracy, you'd have to decide whether that's an antisemitic trope, or it exists.

There's clearly a continuum on that, and context needed.

Clearly Israel, and particularly the Israeli right, have put a lot of effort (without much regard for ethics), into trying to influence opinion worldwide. So factually state sponsored Israeli lobbying exists.

It often dips into being an antisemitic trope, when it's used without thought.

Just because there are conspiracies, doesn't mean everything you disagree with is a conspiracy, and that's the trap that a lot of people fall into.

ps. the "accuracy" comment I made, isn't to do with whether the posts were right or wrong. It was simply that her argument appears to be that she either didn't see the context, or doesn't remember liking them, or liked them mistakenly when tired. Which to be fair, is probably what a lot of people do, and I'm not keen on anyway - there are plenty of posters on this site who indulge in the "this you?" whataboutery, and it just feels like a zero sum game to me.
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The accompanying text referred to the "Israel lobby". For accuracy, you'd have to decide whether that's an antisemitic trope, or it exists.
The clip is a satirical sketch on the 'Israeli Lobby' by a prominant jew and isn't aimed at Jews in general so wasn't using the antisemetic trope she is accused of and the tweet she liked just breaks down the clip.

Labour (and many others tbf) have decided that the term Israel equates to judaism in general and that any critism of Israel is antisemetic, which is why the ambiguity is a minefield for anyone commenting.

The arguement is should a politician know that liking such a post in such as the present climate and undersramding of terminology was a sackable offence and have steered well clear.
It always puzzles me this, because to assert that all Jews think alike and have the same political opinions is in itself a deeply antisemitic position.

Jews, like the rest of us, are individuals. So are Muslims for what it's worth.

What I do find surprising is that any Jew given their collective history, could support or vote for anyone on the far right. But some of them do. Which only proves they are individuals, not a blob. I suppose there are probably Irish Catholics who vote Tory.
I'd have said vicious and against proper Labour values, rather than silly. At this point this is nothing to do with ensuring the party is electable. It's about a small well backed lobbiest influenced clique imposing their views on a broader political party and purging people who provide even marginal dissent. It's not like we've just had a decade long lesson on how that shit show ends, is it?
Satanyahu and his genocidal maniacs have taken over Labour.
It always puzzles me this, because to assert that all Jews think alike and have the same political opinions is in itself a deeply antisemitic position.

Jews, like the rest of us, are individuals. So are Muslims for what it's worth.

What I do find surprising is that any Jew given their collective history, could support or vote for anyone on the far right. But some of them do. Which only proves they are individuals, not a blob. I suppose there are probably Irish Catholics who vote Tory.

What joined us together in the early days was class not ethnicity or religion. Now we have gone full Yank trying to get minority votes which isn't easy because everyone is aligning themselves to a minority.

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