The lads I live with at uni

Dobsy87 said:
There's four of us. I'm from Manchester. They're from London (moved to Newcastle), Doncaster and Belfast.

Guess which team they all support?

They never know who they're playing next, only one of them makes the effort to get to at least one game a season, and - I shit you NOT - when the Carling Cup final was on, I was the only one who watched the second half cos they went to the gym together.

But they all wander round in the tops and sing songs that they've only ever heard on TV at me like puppets.


Just needed to get that out. Thanks.

Typical rags.
We put up with 'em at work. Complete knobs that dont know where Manchester is never mind the swamp. The bit that really gets up my nose is 'we' & 'us'.
One guy I work with is a real rag, he's been a season ticket holder for years and even he hates 'um. There's 5-6 blues all regular attendees.
danburge82 said:
Forzacitizens said:
i dislike people who go why do you support city when you could support united who actually win things?

there so annoying

Just say to them footy isnt just about winning metal cups and bowls it's about having a togertherness with a select band of brothers and having a fuckin laugh (whether win lose or draw)(which the Rags dont do - they all fuck off home when they lose!) and a drink and a trip away every now and again! Over a weekend ive sometimes forgotten about if we've won or even who we've played cos ive had such a mint time wherever ive been!

i just say its cos theyre c*nts

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