Well-Known Member
saw I think it was Corbridge on the news earlier and the "new" flood defences were breached. It seems after the last flooding they put time effort and money in building a big concrete wall - looked about 4ft high - and as dark fell this was just being overtopped. Nice for the residents - going tits up just after lights out. Now this is the first time these have been tested since the last flooding they had there it said so my question is.... which dickhead did the calculations and built a wall too fucking small !!??? Another 6 inches and they would be sound. Absolute fucking joke this country and how it prepares for an deals with anything outside the norm when it comes to weather. We bleat on about climate change all the time and can't seem to do anything to prepare ourselves for it FFS !!!
The problem as I see it is that for years we have been building flood defences "up river" so people can have nice fancy houses with a riverside view, this means that previous flood plains are no longer there so more flows down to overwhelm what used to be sufficient defences