the missing ingredient.

danburge82 said:
de niro said:
danburge82 said:
There's no such thing as luck. It's like saying we miss Uri Gellar or David Copperfield. Magic, luck, god, the Easter bunny... none of them exist!

Things just happen, some of them go for you, some of them don't.

of course but why the imbalance in which stack we fall under.
We were a club going nowhere...well, we were a club that could have gone bankrupt...but we miraculously got taken over by one of the top 25 wealthiest men in the whole world. An actual Arabian Sheikh, a man that has oil money - black gold - who is one of the biggest emerging businessmen on the planet...Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, took over Manchester City Football Club.

That's a good point. If we're talking about luck, then we're the luckiest club in the world in that we were the ones taken over by ADUG. One season of perceived misfortune doesn't change that.
get at them from the off and heroic failures might be off the agenda at long last
de niro said:
we get fuck all, nothing, no own goals, rebounds fall in the other teams favour, barmy refs the lot.
the rags are the luckiest team ever, you can be shit or the best team going but if you are lucky you'll win more than you lose.

Nobody wins the league through luck alone.

If you win it, you deserve it. If you don't, you don't.
Poor show in Lisbon. poor at Swansea, shite tonight, only made a go of it for the last 20 minutes, came out for the second half like just another game, we needed four goals ffs...not a league winning side this year sorry, where' the spark, exciting stuff gone?
I`ll give a good reason what one of the missing ingredients is of late, fucking shooting !!!
How many saves did their keeper have to make in that woeful first half ?? Fuck all !!
Too much tippy tappy at times when some fucker should be having a dig.
SWSB said:
was it Jack Nicklaus who said,'The more I practise,the luckier I get'.
Correct and United have had alot of time practising the art.
SWSB said:
was it Jack Nicklaus who said,'The more I practise,the luckier I get'.

gary player, just a glib phrase to bolster an ego of epic proportions

a lottery win is luck, if you bought a million tickets then it is less lucky, making your own luck is possible when you can influence the circumstances. Like the rags and penalties missed/given, opponents sent off etc.
the missing ingredient for me are a few more top players
a centre half for a start
savic obviously not ready and kolo not world class
a great winger.......johnson not good enough and nlows hot and cold
for me....check tiote for de jong.....sorry nige !!
and if we got real lucky we could find a player to use in rotation with silva
tough job to fill those boots tho

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