The most boring or random meeting of a City player

I have seen players at the trafford centre loads of times, although not for a while to be honest

a funny one was a few years ago when i was coming out of the orient and some guy jogged past me in a city tracksuit and i just though he looked a bit of a c*nt, then i realized it was Robbie Fowler (so i was right first time) the a car sped round to pick him up and i realized it was mcmanaman, they do everything together!!!

I have also seen Petrov chillin in cafe rouge, Michael Johnson wandering through the place on his own eating a massive sandwich, Dunne and Stephen Jordan coming down the steps near hmv, and Dunnie said hello to me, Nicky Weaver in Selfridges, Carlo Nash in Curry's along with a few others

plus Darren Huckerby used to come in the pub where me and my sister used to work with his little kid and take his kid on the play area, My sister loved huckerby and the boss let her go home and get her Huckerby shirt to get it signed, he was a nice bloke!!!

haha and that reminds me, Joe Royle came in our pub for a pint the day he got sacked aswell, but i was off that day!!

I once saw Trevor Sinclair in a petrol station on Princess Road. He bought his petrol then sat in his car reading the paper - whilst still at the pump. Nicky Summerbee once gave me a 2 fingured salute. I was in the kippax though so it might not have been aimed at me.

I once met Andy Dibble in the reception of the solicitors that I worked at and my old boss used to have an apartment in Hale where un***d also owned an apartment. I once partied 2 doors down from Kanchelski's or Sherringham or which ever idiot lived there at the time

Oh and Kinky nearly ran me over at COMS last year
Gio Kinkladze, Nicky Summerbee and a few others playing pool on the table next to me and my mates one night in Manchester, Nags Head just off Deansgate, during Gio's designer stubble phase. Gio was happy to sign my bus ticket (all I had on me, still have it framed with his pic!) but already had Nicky's so didn't ask. He seemed pretty peed off at playing second fiddle to Kinky tho. Great night that.

Only other random encounter I have had was with David White at Meadow Hall shopping centre in Sheffield, just after he had left to join Leeds. I was gutted that we had just sold our best kick and run merchant so I didn't even bother chatting.
GoForGlory said:
IFeedGoats said:
MVF(RIP) taking photos of me in the gym! ( Well probably taking photos of the gym with me in it)

Heh, why? :)

MVF....made me a little sad to hear his name actually, RIP. :(

Don't know? it was when he first signed he was staying at the hotel where the gym is. He was traing hard on the tread mill after taking my picture ;P always wonder where them photo are now!

There's a few city/ex city players that go/went to the gym

Kewell also goes!

Quite surreal when your sat in the sauna with them.
Saw Kinky in Atlas Bar back in the day, tried talking to him but he didnt seem to speak any english so bought him a pint but was pretty pissed so spilled some of it on his sleeve but he didnt seem to mind, also was in jacuzzi at david lloyd and wanchope got in, massive bloke, he was ok said hello and we had a bit of a chat.
I once attended a promotional thing at Reebok where they were claiming to have the 4 best 16 year old players in the country showing off their new equipment.

It was Lee Croft, Dorryl Proffit (both City) and two Scousers - I suppose one might have been Rooney, I don't think it was though, although I think both were from Everton.

Anyway, they were all fairly talkative, for 16 year olds, and I remember thinking how good it was that City had two of the four best sixteen year olds in the country.

Every time I saw Croft play for the youth team or first team after that I was gutted. I expected this skillful, silky player with vision. Wht I actually got was a headless chicken who just either toe'd it and chased it or stuck his head down and bundled into people. Think I only saw Proffitt play once and nothing stood out. No idea where he is now.

I can only conlude that Reebok were talking shite, although, in fairness, Croft was rated at the time. I bet the Scousers are brickies now or something, if the form lines hold true. Well, probably doing time actually.
I was shopping with my then missus in M&S in town, when i spied Lakey, i thought i have to go over and speak to him, so i did, he was all right, as i was a bit flustered, turned around from him and sent a rail of underskirts flying. Oh dear

oh and spoke to Gio about 2 years after he left us, he was having a drink in the village in warrington, so i just thanked him for the enjoyment of watching him play( football)
it was just a normal day in the life of a village postman when approaching a restaurant which is a regular address on my round, i seen a mercedes parked outside ( about 11.30 am) with none oher than dennis tueart sat in the driving seat. he got out of his car after i had said hello, and we had a chat for a few mins and then he drove of.. it seems he is best mates with the guy who owns the restaurant and he visits him often. the day after when delivering the post the manager was waiting at the gate, he gave me a piece of paper with ' TO THE POSTIE NICE TO HAVE MET YOU BEST WISHES DENNIS TUEART ! " wrote on it. absolute gentleman and a fuckin great player he was aswell. king of all geordies!
We was on one of our pub crawls around town a couple of days after we beat Grimsby on our way to get promotion to the premiership. I was in Yates bar and was walking up them never ending stairs to get to the toilet. I bumped into Wiekens on the way down. Me pissed as a fart was talking all kinds of s**t saying how much of a legend he was because we just had a great win over GRIMSBY. I cringe at the thought.

Another one was Loaf on Deansgate locks. Bischoff and Bradley Wright Phillips were both in there. They went down in my estimation when i was at the bar for 20 mins and the bar tender was kept sneaking off providing them with drinks. This pissed me off and i gave them a few verbals as well as the barman. They thought they owned the place. BWP Probably was on the rob that night as well.

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