The National Anthem At Wembley


Well-Known Member
10 Nov 2008
Hanging in the Bluemoon Gym
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!
theres already a set of fans who disrepect england hate it when their players get called up love it when the national team loses and disrespects the anthem and i wouldnt want us in the same bracket as them .
I'm English and i don't really feel i would sing "God Save The Queen"! GSTQ is the British national anthem, not the English national anthem and i have never understood why English sporting teams sing it.

England doesn't actually have a national anthem believe it or not. And i wouldn't want it to be Jerusalem as it is too religious and the place is 2500miles away from us! To say we need a decent national anthem is an understatement. I'm proud to be English and would want something decent to sing!
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!
In a word NO you quietly hum flower of scotland if u want.
uwerosler28 said:
theres already a set of fans who disrepect england hate it when their players get called up love it when the national team loses and disrespects the anthem and i wouldnt want us in the same bracket as them .

Why not? They'll just make something up anyway, so might as well give them something factual.

Mind a week or so ago where we had caused all the trouble outside Wembley after the game. Made up bullshit. So fuck them, lets give them something that they can write about for a change. Let the press make out we're disrespecting it, we all know we're having a laugh. Cos thats what City fans do.
danburge82 said:
I'm English and i don't sing "God Save The Queen"! GSTQ is the British national anthem, not the English national anthem and i have never understood why English sporting teams sing it.

England doesn't actually have a national anthem believe it or not. And i wouldn't want it to be Jerusalem as it is too religious and the place is 2500miles away from us! To say we need a decent national anthem is an understatement. I'm proud to be English and would want something decent to sing!
You never heard of Land of Hope and Glory then?
i kne albert davy said:
danburge82 said:
I'm English and i don't sing "God Save The Queen"! GSTQ is the British national anthem, not the English national anthem and i have never understood why English sporting teams sing it.

England doesn't actually have a national anthem believe it or not. And i wouldn't want it to be Jerusalem as it is too religious and the place is 2500miles away from us! To say we need a decent national anthem is an understatement. I'm proud to be English and would want something decent to sing!
You never heard of Land of Hope and Glory then?

Is that officially our NA? Because i didn't know that! I honestly thought England didn't have a NA!
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!

I can see why City haven't signed you up for there PR team yet
This is one of the stupidist things we could do as fans. Might as well just boo like a bunch of backwards welsh fans

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