The National Anthem At Wembley

de niro said:
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!

and if we are proud to be english, proud of our royal family, proud of our country and its standing on the world stage and proud of our wonderful club?

i for one will be singing it.

I almost joined you there, but after the last 30 years of the Royals, is it something to be proud of? Phillip Schofield couldn't have put it better last Friday during the wedding.

There is alot of pressure on Will and Kate after the shambolic 30 years we have had of the Royal Family.

And he was spot on with every word.<br /><br />-- Wed May 04, 2011 4:46 pm --<br /><br />
strongbowholic said:
de niro said:
and if we are proud to be english, proud of our royal family, proud of our country and its standing on the world stage and proud of our wonderful club?

i for one will be singing it.
Proud to be English, proud of our country, not proud of a set of upper class in breds whose head of household, whilst supposedly representing the whole of our country, doesn't particularly like Manchester.

Fuck em.

Sense at last.
The older I get the more I find anti royal sentiments a bit childish and pompous.

I went to Mexico a few years ago and ended up at a BBQ outside someones house, right in the ghetto. There were about 6 English and loads of locals. The language barrier was huge and on the end the mexicans were singing. They sang their anthem and then sat smiling waiting for us to sing ours. Except a couple of the guys with us refused to sing it. One said "I'm a citizen not a subject" so they decided to sing Jerusalem. But noone knew the wrods. So they got pens out and started to try to write them down.

The mexicans looked at us bemused and the moment was gone. I was slightly ashamed of the pomposity of my countrymen.

I'm no royalist, I'm not arsed either way. But these guys looked like pricks.
jonmcity said:
sweynforkbeard said:
I always sing, 'Rule Britannia,' anyway as I don't believe that a woman should be our Head of State.

Britannia is a women. Doe!
it just means Britain but like you would call a ship she or her
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!

Just because we support the same team, does not mean we all support your daft idea! Do you think by booing the National Anthem would impress those who dont hate us. What it would do is embarrass our owners and the majority of city fans!
el blue said:
sweynforkbeard said:
.....a deer, a female deer
Ray, a drop of golden sun...all together now..
Me, a name I call myself la la la la
Fa fa la de da
Sew cook and clean ladies
But do not rule or reign

But Britannia is a mythical embodiment of our glorious land not our head of state to which I strongly feel women are not suited to be.

or as Dice Clay puts it

Doe, a deer, a female deer.
Ray, the guy that fucked her ass

This has besmirched my hallowed memories of Julie Andrews.<br /><br />-- Wed May 04, 2011 7:16 pm --<br /><br />
SkyBlueFlux said:
i kne albert davy said:
Well if old Albert says we must all fall into line then

Well I can give you plenty more examples of people who think like me, but I wouldn't want to sound like a broken record ;)

Plus Albert has an undeniably good track record when it comes to being a logical person. Anyway here's another one from a Spanish-American philosopher who's less well known.

"To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography." - George Santayana

Was that in verse 2 of 'Black Magic Woman?' What a guitarist that man is.
Didsbury Dave said:
The older I get the more I find anti royal sentiments a bit childish and pompous.

I went to Mexico a few years ago and ended up at a BBQ outside someones house, right in the ghetto. There were about 6 English and loads of locals. The language barrier was huge and on the end the mexicans were singing. They sang their anthem and then sat smiling waiting for us to sing ours. Except a couple of the guys with us refused to sing it. One said "I'm a citizen not a subject" so they decided to sing Jerusalem. But noone knew the wrods. So they got pens out and started to try to write them down.

The mexicans looked at us bemused and the moment was gone. I was slightly ashamed of the pomposity of my countrymen.

I'm no royalist, I'm not arsed either way. But these guys looked like pricks.

Next time I go to Mexico I will take your advice and memorise verbatim all 6 verses of the national anthem.

Until then I am an atheist and a republican so I don't stand for it and I won't sing it.
de niro said:
Ricster said:
Its boring, and thats not because i'm Scottish, its just a drone of noise.

So are we serious?
Do we really want to give the media something factual? Rather than their usual made up bollocks.
We're hated for no reason, should we give them that reason? City, a full 1 and a half hour slagging on the folllowing days Sunday Supplement.

25,000, pissed up Blues singing loud and proud, backs to the pitch, arms around each other, you've guessed it, doing the Poznan.

Lets spice up the national anthem and give them a pre match anthem that will never be forgotten. We'll give them HISTORY!

and if we are proud to be english, proud of our royal family, proud of our country and its standing on the world stage and proud of our wonderful club?

i for one will be singing it.

Bravo! Well said. I'll be belting it out too - at least we'll know who the other is LOL.....................
Scoople said:
Didsbury Dave said:
The older I get the more I find anti royal sentiments a bit childish and pompous.

I went to Mexico a few years ago and ended up at a BBQ outside someones house, right in the ghetto. There were about 6 English and loads of locals. The language barrier was huge and on the end the mexicans were singing. They sang their anthem and then sat smiling waiting for us to sing ours. Except a couple of the guys with us refused to sing it. One said "I'm a citizen not a subject" so they decided to sing Jerusalem. But noone knew the wrods. So they got pens out and started to try to write them down.

The mexicans looked at us bemused and the moment was gone. I was slightly ashamed of the pomposity of my countrymen.

I'm no royalist, I'm not arsed either way. But these guys looked like pricks.

Next time I go to Mexico I will take your advice and memorise verbatim all 6 verses of the national anthem.

Until then I am an atheist and a republican so I don't stand for it and I won't sing it.
I met your type that night in Monterey. One of them was pontificating for hours about fair trade and the dangerous chemicals in meat. Whilst smoking roll up tobacco and trying to ponce weed from the rest of us, and Charlie from the mexicans.

A pious hypocrite he was, but at least he was a citizen not a subject and he never sung that anthem.

Me and the wife still hold him up as one of the best examples of a walking penis we ever met.
Didsbury Dave said:
Scoople said:
Next time I go to Mexico I will take your advice and memorise verbatim all 6 verses of the national anthem.

Until then I am an atheist and a republican so I don't stand for it and I won't sing it.
I met your type that night in Monterey. One of them was pontificating for hours about fair trade and the dangerous chemicals in meat. Whilst smoking roll up tobacco and trying to ponce weed from the rest of us, and Charlie from the mexicans.

A pious hypocrite he was, but at least he was a citizen not a subject and he never sung that anthem.

Me and the wife still hold him up as one of the best examples of a walking penis we ever met.

Does your wife see lots of 'walking penis' ? Issues?

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