The new ID card

Freestyler said:
Newlunar said:
Update your driving licence instead.

Will it cost? i only wanna change me picture.

£20 mate. A tenner cheaper and you're not helping the government to shoehorn their next failed dictat in.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /DG_078070</a>
Reading between the lines I take it you're not a fan of ID cards?
I am vehemently against this specific ID cards scheme being put forward by Labour. I am not against truly voluntary forms of ID such as the citizen card. Whether people want a form of ID is up to them.

You won't be allowed in or out of the UK without a passport. We aren't signatories to the Schengen agreement.
Precisely. No ID registration no passport. No passport no freedom to leave the country and get back in.

It's amazing how many bolshy Brits don't mind having their fingerprints scanned to get into America and all the Florida theme parks and yet mention I.D cards back home and they turn into Sami Chakrabarti.
Which is the reason why I will not go to America.
ploder said:
Reading between the lines I take it you're not a fan of ID cards?
I am vehemently against this specific ID cards scheme being put forward by Labour. I am not against truly voluntary forms of ID such as the citizen card. Whether people want a form of ID is up to them.

You won't be allowed in or out of the UK without a passport. We aren't signatories to the Schengen agreement.
Precisely. No ID registration no passport. No passport no freedom to leave the country and get back in.

It's amazing how many bolshy Brits don't mind having their fingerprints scanned to get into America and all the Florida theme parks and yet mention I.D cards back home and they turn into Sami Chakrabarti.
Which is the reason why I will not go to America.

are you a conservative spin doctor?
are you a conservative spin doctor?[/quote]

No mate he's obviously just switched on to the real current events, but give him time and he will be labelled a "conspiracy theorist" and because mud sticks it wont be long before status quo is resumed (cue crap jokes) and we can all go back to sleep, safe in the knowledge that gang mentality = security.
Fuck cool, truth matters.

Ps Aphex, Nothing personal I hope you understand. I just saw the opportunity.
Newlunar said:
Freestyler said:
Will it cost? i only wanna change me picture.

£20 mate. A tenner cheaper and you're not helping the government to shoehorn their next failed dictat in.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... /DG_078070</a>

cheers pal.
are you a conservative spin doctor?
No. I have no political allegiance one way or the other. What I post is not spin but what I understand after research. I am just a private individual who is sick of all the attacks on our liberty we have been experiencing over the past 20 years or so (esp over the last 12 years) and those people who claim that it ‘doesn’t matter' or that ‘we will become safer’ if we follow the said policies.

No mate he's obviously just switched on to the real current events, but give him time and he will be labelled a "conspiracy theorist"
lol. As it happens I have noticed that kind of mentality before. You try and help people and they throw it back in your face. Not much you can do about it apart from tell people the truth. Everything I have said is true. At the risk of boring people I will only give the most important bits and then you can go on from there. It is far worse than I have time to explain:

Identity Cards Act 2006
Esp. para 4 which allows documents to be designated so that in order to keep using them people must be registered
Para 9 which allows forced data gathering for verification
Para 10 for reporting obligations to the state
Para 11(6 & 7) for the potential fine of up to £1,000 for damaging the RFID chip/tampering with an ID card
Para 13 for the power to make public services conditional on ID checks
Para 18 for disclosure of your profile without your consent for anti-crime and terrorism purposes
Para 20 for the power to reveal your profile to any public authority without your consent.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 015_en.pdf</a>

Schedule 1 of the same act to counter a Labour minister who once claimed that “only name, address, photo and date of birth will be recorded” esp. para 2(d) about "other biometric information" and para 9 about the audit trail.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _en_5#sch1</a>

Statutory Instruments are the powers to make further law given by the main Act (in this case the ID cards Act) which require no detailed scrutiny by parliament. These were being passed during the MP’s expenses debacle.

The Identity Cards Act 2006 (Provision of Information without Consent) Regulations 2009
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

The Identity Cards Act 2006 (Information and Code of Practice on Penalties) Order 2009
esp. para 3 since it extends those bodies that may be required to relinquish information for your state owned profile.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Code of Practice on Civil Penalties
Para 2.2 reporting obligations to the state on pain of up to £1,000 penalty
Para 2.5 failure to comply up to £1,000 penalty
Para 2.8 lost/damaged/tampered/destroyed ID card up to £1,000 penalty
Para 2.11 using someone else’s ID card without lawful authority up to £1,000 penalty.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _FINAL.pdf</a>
Newlunar said:
Freestyler said:
I might get one, my driving license i use as ID looks nothing like me.

Update your driving licence instead.
They'll get it in, they'll tempt everyone with benefits that will be conditional that you apply for an ID card and people being the way they are will lap it up for a short term gain.

Do you think you'll get double clubcard points or even better Nectar points? I'm only 500,000 off getting an ipod docking thingy. I know they only cost 50 quid, but I'd rather spend £20k or sign away my hard won liberties and get one for free.

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