It's probably more down to the fact you haven't come up with a better solution and are basically criticising an institution that has worked for the UK for nigh on 60 years.
It's helped 99% of the country and failed 1% (figures plucked out of thin air, but I'm guessing it won't be that far off)
Medicine and it's development has exponentially increased in price over the past 20 years, especially since the banking crash.
That coupled with higher life expectancy, higher cost of machinery, higher cost of drugs and less money available from the government and we are where we are.
Then we have the mismanagement of doctors and nurses especially, where most are employed through an agency increasing the cost of employing them.
We should have a nationalised research and development company, specifically creating drugs that cost the earth on the private market.
We should have a nationalised company that can build specialist medical equipment to allow the right tests to be done cheaper.
We should employ nurses directly to dispel the secondary cost of them.
If we had more staff at a cheaper cost, the attitudes of staff would be better as they wouldn't be asked to do 100 hour weeks and satisfaction of people would be higher.