The official "We don't want Wayne Rooney" thread.

So, Balti, what does your Poll of Polls say?

Put me down for a 'Not arsed either way but hopes it drags on as it is endlessly amusing'.

Re: The official

GStar said:
Pigeonho said:
You're on your own then, as there's been more than a few agree with me today, quite a few infact. Thats by the by though. The thing is Gstar, people are threatening to walk away from the club if we sign a player? Forget who it is, where he's coming from.... he will be a player, OUR player at that, who joins OUR club. Why anyone thinks walking away is acceptable is beyond me, just as its also beyond me how anyone can understand why they would go. I've not slagged anyone off, I said bimbobob and The frontzeck are completely out of order and not real fans if thats what they do, delueded too I think I put. Thats my opinion, just as its their opinion they think they will walk away from the club.
In my eyes a real fan would support the club no matter what position its in, and who it signs. No-one should ever walk away from the club they support, ever. If Bluemoon was online at the time we went down to division 3, god only knows what kind of posts their would have been, because if posts like theirs exist when we look to be signing one of the worlds marquee players, fuck knows what it would have been like when we went down all those years ago.

Clearly not on my own... and the bit in bold, that's the entire crux of the matter, but lets just breeze past it and belittle the others.

Would you support City, if we wore red, changed our sponsors to "Sharp" and called ourselves "City United"?

Obviously hyperboling, but all i'm trying to say is, everyone has different thresholds, and when the club changes and becomes different than the club you originally began supporting, it will ruffle a few feathers... in some cases justifiably so.

I think this whole sage shows how some seem to have become obsessed with success, no matter what price we as a club pay.

That's not the City i began supporting, but similarly i'm nowhere near my 'tipping point' i'm warming to the idea of persuing Rooney, even thinking we actually instigated this series of events, but it still feels uncomfortable i can understand others taking a stronger stance.
Ok I can see that point, but its the 'at what price' but which is baffling me. I've supported City, and gone, since 1988, and whilst it is probably not as long as some, (most infact), its fair to say i've experienced my fair of shit along the way. Just over 10 years ago we were in the mire, staring another season in division 3 right between the eyes. 10 and half years after that we are looking to sign one of the best players in the world (I know that is a split opinion), and fit him in alongside a load of other class players in the process. I can't see why people see signing Rooney as a 'price'. Is it because he comes from United? Cooke and Tevez. Is it because he kissed his badge? Hopefully he'll kiss our badge at the Stretford End. Is it because he has a chequered life out of football? We shouldn't care what he does off the pitch. There's no 'price' to signing anyone, other than the fee. If people want City to be the club they began supporting, they should form an FC United style club of their own, because whether they like it or not, things have changed but they have changed for the better.
coleridge said:
So, Balti, what does your Poll of Polls say?

Put me down for a 'Not arsed either way but hopes it drags on as it is endlessly amusing'.Cheers.

I'll drink to that mate. Cheers.

I would suggest the poll is polarising in itself. Clearly the wording makes it biased to start with. There are many other answers possible such as yes....but only if a/b/c. (e.g. maximum price/ Tevez stays/ whatever). Or No because x/y/z...he's over-rated/ he's not needed/ it strengthens a competitor financially/ whatever)

I'll support the Blues regardless. But the club would do well to take ALL the opinions of the fans into account. IMO.
Don't want him. Send him to Madrid.....after a long saga of 'will he, won't he' destabilizing the Rags.

That being said, he's one of the best on form and I'd give him a chance in Blue.
allan harper said:
50 million,plus 250,000 a week.
50 million with only 18 months left on his contract that carnt be right.
What most giddy blues are forgetting is the rag loving media and their fans would LOVE us to be involved in a bidding war , thats why Im so glad Mancini has made a statement denying any contact...what some are forgetttng is as from next year the FPP rules kick in and this is the rags last chance saloon to cash in on rooney cos lets face it whos gonna want 50 mill transfer + 250k a week x say 4 year contract = 48 mill = 98 million factored into 2011/12 accounts ?? thats why I reckon we'll stay well clear imo
Re: The official

Pigeonho said:
GStar said:
Dave, they're not saying they want to support someone else, just that they don't agree what we're becoming. I can sympathise, even if i don't fully agree. It seems your be all and end all is success, but i don't think i'd be risking too much to say that's not top of everyones agenda.

To dismiss anyone who'd walk away from the club stinks imo, you think everyone can just drop supporting City easily? i don't, we don't strike me as a club you simply pick up and throw away at a whim, i'd take that more seriously and respect that others must be feeling quite strongly aboutt his is they are contemplating something so drastic.

Pidge; haven't really understood a single point you've made today, other than slag off anyone who's dared speak a different opinion to you. Nice one.
You're on your own then, as there's been more than a few agree with me today, quite a few infact. Thats by the by though. The thing is Gstar, people are threatening to walk away from the club if we sign a player? Forget who it is, where he's coming from.... he will be a player, OUR player at that, who joins OUR club. Why anyone thinks walking away is acceptable is beyond me, just as its also beyond me how anyone can understand why they would go. I've not slagged anyone off, I said bimbobob and The frontzeck are completely out of order and not real fans if thats what they do, delueded too I think I put. Thats my opinion, just as its their opinion they think they will walk away from the club.
In my eyes a real fan would support the club no matter what position its in, and who it signs. No-one should ever walk away from the club they support, ever. If Bluemoon was online at the time we went down to division 3, god only knows what kind of posts their would have been, because if posts like theirs exist when we look to be signing one of the worlds marquee players, fuck knows what it would have been like when we went down all those years ago.

I can tell you where i was when we were in division 3. Watching a once great club try and turn it all around. Most of the players were fighting for the club. Fighting to get us back up to where we should have been.
In the years since we still have managed to fuck it up a wee bit now and then but we have risen.

In all that time we have tried to do it the correct way. Sure we made mistakes. Sure we signed players that shouldn't have been wearing the shirt but we tried.

When the Sheik came in, he said we would do it right. Buy the right players. World class players. Players who would wear the shirt with pride and give it their all week in and week out. Players that we all could look up to with pride.

Is that Rooney? Is he a player we all can look up to? Is he the sort of player we actually want playing for our club?

I don't doubt that he is a world class player. On his day (and he has quite a few of them) he can rip to shreds the best defence in the world.


We have to build the team with some responsibility. We have to give the next generation of fans players, who whilst giving their all on the pitch, act as role models off it.

We have to do it right.

Buying Rooney might be right on the pitch but it sure as hell is not right off it.

Those are my reasons.

Do it right City. For the future.
Balti said:
coleridge said:
So, Balti, what does your Poll of Polls say?

Put me down for a 'Not arsed either way but hopes it drags on as it is endlessly amusing'.Cheers.

I'll drink to that mate. Cheers.

I would suggest the poll is polarising in itself. Clearly the wording makes it biased to start with. There are many other answers possible such as yes....but only if a/b/c. (e.g. maximum price/ Tevez stays/ whatever). Or No because x/y/z...he's over-rated/ he's not needed/ it strengthens a competitor financially/ whatever)

I'll support the Blues regardless. But the club would do well to take ALL the opinions of the fans into account. IMO.

In fairness to the club, the initial brief is to get the best players possible in. However, now they have time to assess the situation and they can decide either way. For me, Rooney's an Evertonian, a professional footballer and an England player. I remember that he scored at COMS a couple of years ago and cupped his ears simply because he'd been called a fat bastard all afternoon. I also know that he does more than your average footballer in terms of visiting the children's hospitals [my sister's a paediatrician]. So I find it a little, dare I say it, hypocritical of some of our fans who choose to believe all that the press write about Rooney but then think that the media are all against us and make things up to destabilise the club! Make your bleeding minds up. As someone has said, it's a win-win for me as they are now merrily tearing themselves apart in Stretford whilst we march on, with or without Wazza. The beauty of it is that he seems to need us more than we need him. Now that's funny.

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