The people who refuse to sit !

city stew

Well-Known Member
3 Sep 2008
I am a steward on level 3 so it's not me who tells anyone to sit down on level 1 . The thing is the council have allowed for the away fans and the blocks next to the away fans to stand and that is it, for safety reasons . Now the fact that people refuse to sit is gonna start causing problems as the council will fine the club for breach of health and safety . Yes I know there are double standards but these are the rules . So stop giving stewards shit as it's not our fucking rule and it's not pissing them off but fellow fans as we have had complaints from fellow blues who sit when suppose to . (not saying stay sat when we score chant etc )

rant over
Re: The who refuse to sit !

I don't get this 'because of safety reasons' bollocks. How can it be OK to allow standing for the the South & East Stand Lower corner but unsafe in the rest of East Stand Lower. Its just the council being power crazy fucking pricks.
Re: The who refuse to sit !

Excuse me.
Because the club moved people out of the family stand (Not me) people have moved into 109/ 110 thereby increasing the Kippax singing section.
So if the council allow standing in that part of the ground then they will have to allow for the expanded section who want to stand and sing, they cant have it both ways
Re: The who refuse to sit !

I watched with somewhat amusement today as the last 3 games I had done the perimeter at 111, today I was back to my normal spot at 107.

I have stated before there is no official rule that you can stand anywhere but the club have realistically allowed two sections either side of away fans to stand.

The standing has started to spread into 109 and even 107 today, the club cannot allow this to happen as the original poster states, today was a no win situation in trying to ask people to sit bearing in mind the high profile game taking place. However the club will not back down and all the fans who thought they were being clever ignoring the stewards and generally thinking who do they think they are asking me to sit down really need a reality check, this will result in ejections and bans.

I have stated before that the council make the rules and MCFC are asked to enforce them, we do not want to see any blues not attending but at the same time City will not accept fines that may be given to them or sections of the stadium having reduced capacity, so I ask you to decide is it really worth it?

Nobody is asking you to sit down the whole game but when the City attack breaks down then please sit back down.

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