The photos thread

I remember that film and I've read the book (twice) my lad had the book and I think that's what started him off travelling the world.
Very sad ending.
you never fail to surprise me...

yeah, the book is really good.
it's one of my favourites,
in fact,
i have to admit it accompanied me on my first trip to maroc,
believe it or not
and is still by my side.

the way each chapter starts with quotes is wonderful.

the first hotel i stayed in maroc 15yrs ago had a guest book,
i wrote in it the quote at the start of chapter 4...

"to the desert go prophets and hermits;
through deserts go pilgrims and exiles.
not to escape but to find reality."
(paul shepard - man in the landscape).

the film is all right too.

sad ending.
Where are you living out there?

I was in Morocco same week we beat Brighton away to we in the league in 2019. My cousin Belinda wanted to go there for some proper argon oil on her own which I advised her not to so she asked me to go with her so I agreed as I'd fancied going to Morocco for several years. She booked plane tickets without telling me which I wasn't happy about when I realised as I had a ticket for Brighton but watched the game on my firestick app over there so was happy enough In the end I suppose.

We flew to Agadir without any accommodation booked and then got a taxi to the resort. Went in a hotel bar for a drink and asked a few residents what they thought of hotel. Some were happy, some not so much. We. We're advised to walk to another up the road to a better hotel and cheaper, so we did. Spent 2 nights there but she said the argon oil on sale wasn't proper so we hired a car and booked an airbnb and drove 140km along the coast to Mirleft where she'd been told we'd get the good stuff.

Mirleft is off the beaten tourist track but that didn't bother us as we found it a more authentic experience there than Agadir. The apartment we hired for 5 nights was really smart overlooking the sea, couldn't fault it, but her obsession to get some bloody proper argon oil was getting on my nerves but in order to keep her sweet and keep the peace I agreed to drive up into the mountains next morning to where they pressed it.

We set off up a dusty donkey track for about 3 or 4 miles but couldn't find the farm we'd been told was up there. Next minute she was nagging me and I lost concentration and the brand new Fiesta ended up in a ditch with the nearside rear wheel stuck in the air. Belinda is mostly ladylike but she has a foul mouth when she loses it and she lost it!

"Did you not see that ditch"?... "Obviously not and neither did you"! She started shouting and swearing at me so I lost my temper and we had a right barney, so much so our commotion attracted a teenage Moroccan lad on a trail bike. He could see what had happened but couldn't speak much English. He got in driver's seat and we both put our weight on the back left hand wheel arch. After him carefully reversing and us bouncing up and down we soon had the car out of the ditch. We both thanked him and I pulled out a note worth about a fiver, he thanked me(us) and off he rode.

"How much did you give him"?... "About 5 quid" I replied..... "5 fuckin' quid, ya tight bastard"!... "It's probably a weeks wages for him over here".. She went on and on do I told her to calm down or I'd drive off and leave her to get rolled up in some grotty carpet to get dry bummed in the hills. She soon came to her senses and after 5 minutes or so we both apologised and hugged each other and had a good y laugh at what had happened.

We didn't manage to find the aragon oil farm but we did manage to buy some proper oil in Mirleft village. I really enjoyed staying there amongst the indigenous Berber people who were very friendly and sincere. And Moroccan food is really nice, especially the lamd and chicken tagine dishes served either Moroccan oven bottom muffins.

On the drive back to Agadir airport I got a pull off the cops. They said I'd broken the speed limit saying I was in an 80km done. I argued the last sign I saw said 120km but they were adamant they wanted to fine me (about £40) on the spot. We had been warned about the rogue speeding cops scam so I stood my ground. The cop I was talking to noticed my City tatty on my calf saying - "Rihad Mahrez, Manchester City, I Iike" with a thumbs up sign. I smiled and he smiled and he said - "OK, you can go now". I think I paid about 40 quid for that tattoo about 20 years ago so it paid for itself : )

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