He might be talking about Rags and Scousers... not 100% thoughNo you’ve lost me.
He might be talking about Rags and Scousers... not 100% thoughNo you’ve lost me.
No you’ve lost me.
And it was as much a rubbish claim then as it is now.I read an article a while ago that stated England (not the UK as a whole) was the most densely populated country in Europe.
It’s up there for sure. Eng 432 but Netherlands 580 or something (people per km2) apparently. UK overall 275.I read an article a while ago that stated England (not the UK as a whole) was the most densely populated country in Europe.
Many of those beliefs are based of the old agrarian model of have many, many children to help work the land (knowing some will die before adulthood), and the next generation takes care of the last one.We don't promote and instill the fundamentals of a supportive family structure and teach the value of bringing up a stable family and incentivise it.
Instead we've created a culture where a couple have to both work to get by, where responsibility and parenting are not taught and trained, where a woman choosing family over career is anti-feminist and condoning the "patriarchy", where love is quick and easy and romanticism and idealism is the way to live and where the punishment for it going wrong leaves men in the abyss of facing suicide as the only way out of the intolerable burden.
No surprise it's the immigrants from parts of the world with old-fashioned views that provide the population spurts. It has its downside with their fundamentalist, outdated, less democratic beliefs though.
Many of those beliefs are based of the old agrarian model of have many, many children to help work the land (knowing some will die before adulthood), and the next generation takes care of the last one.
Instead, since the Industrial Revolution, we have adopted a system whereby the farm became the factory, and now the office cubicle, we are all beholden to quarterly profits, and productivity has outpaced wages to the point where the FOMO imperative requires two incomes, and thus children become a problem to be solved...if you care to have the “problem” in the first place.
UBI sounds like a hint of a panacea, but it MUST be tied to providing service to society. The notion that UBI becomes the new social welfare paradigm cannot be allowed to get even a nose in the tent.
One cannot abstain from society yet expect to reap its rewards.
ALWAYS been a proponent of National Service. Other countries accomplish it and there’s no reason Britain couldn’t. Learn some life lessons and get some service experience to open the eyes of these young men and women.It's why I believe in introducing a national social service, delivering community projects and support and instilling that giving back, polite, respectful and generous spirit that should be the bedrock of being British as opposed to the selfish bastard syndrome inflicting us these days.