The "post something that made you smile" thread

when it comes to panadas lots of research has said that the two chinese panda conservation and breeding centres give them as much of the same life as outside, in fact Pandas tend to stay in a small teritory and do fuck all all day but climb trees and eating bamboo.

Other zoos globally may not look after them but in china they are treated with more love and care than people they say
That is good to know
As I started this fucking thing, it seems there’s no way out of being het first. If you don’t know what being het is? Fuck off. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Anyway, in these difficult times laughter and even a grin seem hard to find. So, on that note, I thought I would start this thread after watching the vid I have attached. It made me laugh. I hope it does you too.

Feel free to brighten up the gaff with any shortish vids of things that make you feel better.

If you don’t like this you’re a ****. For existing cunts, even if you love this, you’re definitely still a ****. Just to he clear.

Carry on.

@Magicpole don't think that it has gone unnoticed that the entire premise of that video is the little dog in sky blue never making it to the top table............. ;-)
Have people noticed that few post on here and yet the 'what makes you angry' thread is miles long.

Anyway, my 4 year old grandson holding my week old granddaughter. That makes me smile.
After having abit of a shit few days working in ramsgate, seeing fly tipping, parent doing nothing after I asked them to stop their kids dropping their sweet wrappers. Drunken fights and kids around 12yrs old smoking dope in the high street. Another group of teenagers on oush bike causing bedlam in the pedestrian area.

Today I had a pleasant surprise today doing my local Tesco shop, as I was pushing the trolley I must have dropped an used bag. I was loading the car when a lad of about 12 came running up to me and said ' you dropped a bag'.

I said 'thank you very much that's kind of you' and with that and a 'that's ok' of he ran. Made my day :)
After having abit of a shit few days working in ramsgate, seeing fly tipping, parent doing nothing after I asked them to stop their kids dropping their sweet wrappers. Drunken fights and kids around 12yrs old smoking dope in the high street. Another group of teenagers on oush bike causing bedlam in the pedestrian area.

Today I had a pleasant surprise today doing my local Tesco shop, as I was pushing the trolley I must have dropped an used bag. I was loading the car when a lad of about 12 came running up to me and said ' you dropped a bag'.

I said 'thank you very much that's kind of you' and with that and a 'that's ok' of he ran. Made my day :)

Small things can make your day mate, you might get a run of nice things happen to you now starting with a big blue win tomorrow :)
Have people noticed that few post on here and yet the 'what makes you angry' thread is miles long.

Anyway, my 4 year old grandson holding my week old granddaughter. That makes me smile.
Congrats! It is so precious to see things like that!
I was smiling a lot today because I received a document fromаw-writing-service, and everything looks perfect! It’s such a relief to see the final product come together so well. I’m set to present this paper to all my colleagues in a few days, and having such a polished and well-prepared document gives me a lot of confidence. The thorough research and expert writing have really elevated the quality of my work.
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