The Press Box After the Everton Game

I don't mind the press twisting the truth to suit their own agenda.

I don't mind them offering criticism, even if it is blown out of proportion.

I didn't even mind before Fulham away, when they were taking it in turns to slag us off for whatever we'd done in the past; I have no issue whatsoever with people criticising things that have actually happened. That's called constructive criticism. To state that the sacking of Hughes "lacked class" is a fair point, if you believe that sacking a key member of staff without lining up his replacement is "classless". If you believe that lining up the perfect man for the job BEFORE you sack the man who's doing reasonably OK is a sensible thing to do, then it's not classless. It's just a difference of opinion and vision.

ADUG have been impeccable since day one. Anything they've not already sorted out is in the process of being sorted out and it's usually sorted in days, not months. We're at the point where, as fans, a few of us get pissed off about something every week. Last season I'd wager it was a few hundred of us. The season before, probably a few thousand of us. Under Thaksin, most of us were just glad that we didn't have to employ Stuart Pearce any more, but I'd bet many thousands were still a bit uncomfortable, to say the least, about what was happening to our club. Before Thaksin.... well I think we were all just generally unhappy, but tempered by our memories of 97/98 as we knew we were very lucky simply to exist let alone still be in the Prem.

We've never, ever had it so good as City fans. Even during the brief successes at the end of the 60s we had to suffer shite, dangerous stadia and people pissing down our legs. What are the major down criticisms today? Natalie Pike's microphone is too loud. People aren't allowed to smoke anywhere in our stadium, where it's been illegal to smoke since 2007. Prices of tickets at away games (away games!) are still too expensive.

I mean, seriously, fuck me, the press had to scrape the barrel from the last 12 months of hearsay, rumour and lies, just to trap arguably the biggest klutz ever employed by the club. He was surely a fantastic CEO, but you could have picked any one of a number of schoolboy errors made by Cook, this one included. But of course, he duly went and put his foot in it by lying under pressure, instead of just saying "whoops, that email wasn't meant for you, no offence meant." So ADUG asked him if he wouldn't mind resigning, and he took his severance package and left, and frankly it looked like he was leaving anyway as his family already moved back to Portland.

What's left now? What further criticism can anyone possibly lay at the door of MCFC for them to fix? Not very fucking much, that's what.

However, lining up, eager to write inconsequential shit about our club is one thing. Peddling outright lies about our club is another. Some of the shit that bunch of bitter bastards was spouting on the Cunty **** Football Show before Fulham simply wasn't true, but they were so obviously bitter and angry. But some of the shit that they've come out with this season is beyond untrue, they're inventing criticisms because they can't report any true criticisms. Hansen took it one step too far and I hope the club demands an unreserved public apology from the outdated, useless tosser.
Slightly off topic but i was listening to talk shite with Keys and Gray and they had that fucking piece of shite Steve Curry on.... Fuck me he hates City with a passion.
Keys was saying that City have brought through 70 players from youth academy and 30+ were playing for clubs at weekend as well as having 13 that had played for their countries and all Curry could say was yeah but Ferguscum has done better because he reorganised the Scums set up .... even keys said cant you ever give credit to City without mentioning your Man Utd..... they also asked who was best number 9 thats played in premier league and concensus was it was Shearer but Cunty said no he wasn`t ..... and his reason "he turned down the best team in the league twice".... fuck me we should ban this piece of verminous scum from setting foot anywhere near our club again.
blue by birth said:
Slightly off topic but i was listening to talk shite with Keys and Gray and they had that fucking piece of shite Steve Curry on.... Fuck me he hates City with a passion.
Keys was saying that City have brought through 70 players from youth academy and 30+ were playing for clubs at weekend as well as having 13 that had played for their countries and all Curry could say was yeah but Ferguscum has done better because he reorganised the Scums set up .... even keys said cant you ever give credit to City without mentioning your Man Utd..... they also asked who was best number 9 thats played in premier league and concensus was it was Shearer but Cunty said no he wasn`t ..... and his reason "he turned down the best team in the league twice".... fuck me we should ban this piece of verminous scum from setting foot anywhere near our club again.

Curry is the twat who did that appalling article last season asking famous footballers over the years connected with the FA Cup what they thought of the FA Cup final being overshadowed by u****d's Premier league win. Not did they think it was overshadowed but what did they think about the fact that it WAS overshadowed.

He also did a hugely commical article about the best ever teams. His top 10 included Brazil, Holland, Real Madid. Only one club had two teams in the top 10. That's right u****d. It is a piss hialrious article made even funnier by the fact that the dick is actually being serious.

This clown is right up there with the likes of Beasley, Ladyboy and Cuntis.
TGR said:
My seat is directly in front of the press box on level 1 of the Colin Bell stand so I see and hear a lot of things... Like most of the reporters watching (and cheering) for the scum on TV when they are supposed to be reporting on us! (trust me its true!) However, at the final whistle on Saturday when I got up to leave my seat and without a word of a lie, to a man, every single reporter had a face like thunder! Not a smile, no chatting, no nothing. The lot of them just sat there staring into space. believe me they were absolutely and completely gutted we had managed to win the game!
So.... I just couldn't resist it (and why should I?) I looked at them all and said 'well, well boys, thats another win you are going to have to write about! - get used to it!!'
They just glared back. I laughed out loud! It felt good!
I like a t lot of people on here am just about about sick and fucking tired of the lot of them! The killer for me was the (huge) back page headline in the Daily Mail (Ian Ladyman again chaps!) on Saturday morning was about about some kid singing the Munich song on Youtube! FFS - is that trawling the gutter or what?? Every other paper had headlines about baconfaces response to Owen Hargreaves. Not the The Mail - oh no! Ian Ladyman had to get his dig in about 'Munich' (he had even gone to the trouble to contact the family of Matt Busby no less for a response!!!). I'm not paranoid (well just a bit!). I'm not bitter (OK - I am!) but I have just about had my fill of this lot. Enough is enough.
They will be gutted. That match was chosen by sky for 1 reason only. Everton have been our bogey team. The wigan fixture, up until last season, was always on sky for the same reason.
TGR said:
My seat is directly in front of the press box on level 1 of the Colin Bell stand so I see and hear a lot of things... Like most of the reporters watching (and cheering) for the scum on TV when they are supposed to be reporting on us! (trust me its true!) However, at the final whistle on Saturday when I got up to leave my seat and without a word of a lie, to a man, every single reporter had a face like thunder! Not a smile, no chatting, no nothing. The lot of them just sat there staring into space. believe me they were absolutely and completely gutted we had managed to win the game!
So.... I just couldn't resist it (and why should I?) I looked at them all and said 'well, well boys, thats another win you are going to have to write about! - get used to it!!'
They just glared back. I laughed out loud! It felt good!
I like a t lot of people on here am just about about sick and fucking tired of the lot of them! The killer for me was the (huge) back page headline in the Daily Mail (Ian Ladyman again chaps!) on Saturday morning was about about some kid singing the Munich song on Youtube! FFS - is that trawling the gutter or what?? Every other paper had headlines about baconfaces response to Owen Hargreaves. Not the The Mail - oh no! Ian Ladyman had to get his dig in about 'Munich' (he had even gone to the trouble to contact the family of Matt Busby no less for a response!!!). I'm not paranoid (well just a bit!). I'm not bitter (OK - I am!) but I have just about had my fill of this lot. Enough is enough.

Most of the photographers are behind the goal that city are attacking...Perhaps the Photographers should write the stories... :)

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