The real Mario Balotelli

I've not always gone for the hype around the kid but that program was an eye opener for me. Nevin spoke to all the right people and the insight was astonishing. Vialli should come work with Mancini, what an awesome pairing that would be.

Kudos Mario, you've got some big admirers who know the game far better than I.
Just listened to the whole thing....the comment for me was when Casaraghi said that Mario did things in training for Italy U21's that he'd never seen any other player do.....not even Baggio or Zola at their best...!!!!!

I just hope Mario stays and more importantly plays to his maximum potential for us.....

It was also interesting listening to Raiola and Vialli talk about the race issue in Italy and how they're not ready for Mario to return, saying that the country can't handle a massive black star and that the best place for him is here, Raiola also said London wouldn't be best for Mario.....If, and its a big if, he becomes one of the best players in the world in the next 2 to 3 years then if he were to leave where would he go...?

Real Madrid...??.....not exactly the bastiens of racial maturity are they.....Barca....possibly, but could they afford him..?? if Bob stays for a long time then I think Mario will....from listening to the issues he's had to deal with at such a young age it's not inconceivable to assume that if he feels settled and loved here, accepted and wanted for who he is, worshipped and admired for being Mario then why Rioala said, Mancini risked his career and reputation on bringing him to us at a very early stage of his tenure.....Bob doesn't suffer fools and can obviously see a bit of himself in Mario.....lets hope he's right and that he does become the best player in the world and spearheads our team with Sergio and Dave for many years to come.
Listened to that on way back from game last night.
Was very well put together. I had not heard of his charity work in Brazil when he was still at school and was quite moved by it.
Hope those tabloid journos were listening too...
The guy is a gem!
Available to download from the BBC podcasts page.

Well worth a listen Blues.

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Fascinating insight into Mario's early life and football career in Italy. Some amazing references from ex-star players - let's hope we see plenty more from the good side of his game and a few less bookings. If he fulfils his full potential then we could have one of the all time greats on our hands. Well worth a listen and credit to Pat Nevin for putting together an excellent programme.
The thing about Balotelli is that I read all of this all the time about him being potentially one of the best players ever and this amazing amount of football genius he has etc...but ive never even seen the slightest glimpse of it on the pitch. Don't get me wrong he is obviously a very good player and his penalties really are something special BUT i have never seen him do anything extra special!

Look at Aguero he is fast, strong for his size, has an excellent change of direction and can finish.

Messi has amazingly quick feet, skillful and a great finisher.

Ronaldo is very fast and skillful as well as being a great finisher.

Balotelli....I cant figure out what his strong point is, he isnt VERY fast he's quite fast, i've never seen him do anything Messi/Ronaldo like on the pitch dribbling the ball.

All these people say he is a genius but the one thing they didnt ask the people they interviewed on that program last night was HOW he is a genius, what have they seen him do that is so good and set him apart from the rest?
Bojinov The Bull said:
The thing about Balotelli is that I read all of this all the time about him being potentially one of the best players ever and this amazing amount of football genius he has etc...but ive never even seen the slightest glimpse of it on the pitch. Don't get me wrong he is obviously a very good player and his penalties really are something special BUT i have never seen him do anything extra special!

Look at Aguero he is fast, strong for his size, has an excellent change of direction and can finish.

Messi has amazingly quick feet, skillful and a great finisher.

Ronaldo is very fast and skillful as well as being a great finisher.

Balotelli....I cant figure out what his strong point is, he isnt VERY fast he's quite fast, i've never seen him do anything Messi/Ronaldo like on the pitch dribbling the ball.

All these people say he is a genius but the one thing they didnt ask the people they interviewed on that program last night was HOW he is a genius, what have they seen him do that is so good and set him apart from the rest?

if they see something you can't then there are just two options : they are visionary or you are blind.
Mancio said:
Bojinov The Bull said:
The thing about Balotelli is that I read all of this all the time about him being potentially one of the best players ever and this amazing amount of football genius he has etc...but ive never even seen the slightest glimpse of it on the pitch. Don't get me wrong he is obviously a very good player and his penalties really are something special BUT i have never seen him do anything extra special!

Look at Aguero he is fast, strong for his size, has an excellent change of direction and can finish.

Messi has amazingly quick feet, skillful and a great finisher.

Ronaldo is very fast and skillful as well as being a great finisher.

Balotelli....I cant figure out what his strong point is, he isnt VERY fast he's quite fast, i've never seen him do anything Messi/Ronaldo like on the pitch dribbling the ball.

All these people say he is a genius but the one thing they didnt ask the people they interviewed on that program last night was HOW he is a genius, what have they seen him do that is so good and set him apart from the rest?

if they see something you can't then there are just two options : they are visionary or you are blind.

I must be blind then, good answer to my question though you've obviously seen his genius!
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The 2nd and 3rd goal are genius.
The 3rd one in particular is amazing because he hit it at a half volley and it was such a precise finish.

Another bit of 'genius' is the 'Why always me.' The fucker knew he was going to score, and what a goal it was!

He hit the ball first time, and slotted it right into the bottom corner as everyone watched it roll into the net.

If you can't see this kid is special, then I don't know what to say. He's the best striker in the world his age (21)...

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