I see, simple(ish) question, is there likely anything that can be done by us parasites to stop it?
Complex(ish) question, really. They’ve been able to go fairly far already. Brexit, Johnson, Kwarteng, Sunak, Trump, the current make up of the Supreme Court and Federal Courts, De Santos, etc are all examples of the effectiveness of the programme already because their tactics have been working quite well.
I would say the main way to combat it is through strong, sustained collective pressure on elected officials for legislative reform, specially targeting judicial systems, which includes selecting and electing individuals who will actually craft, pass, and implement the reforms. And educating the electorate about the actual class war being waged right now.
We have such a small window of opportunity at this point. As I said, this decade is likely to decide if they win or lose.
The biggest issue with all of that is, again, that they have successfully sparked a culture war that keeps non-elites fighting each other (with some even being indoctrinated to the point of zealously protecting the wealthy elite) instead of fighting those attempting to strip them of their remaining power and, ultimately, their agency. Another great example of this is the anti-union movement in the US and Europe being stoked right now (after they were largely gutted in the 70s and 80s in both countries).
Unions would strengthen both collective bargaining and action, which is exactly what you don’t want to see if you are member of the Koch family or other scheming wealth elite. They have literally convinced people that collectively negotiating with massive global companies for compensation, benefits, work conditions, etc would make them worse off. It is all meant to both isolate individuals and spur more division. Many of the billionaires have personally worked to keep the conflict churning and open new fronts for the fighting (like Musk most recently).
The culture war is just one means of preventing the level of cohesion required for effective collective action.