Now that is a very good post, looking at the overall picture with a rare clarity. Impressed.You have mentioned Brexit in a negative light but how can this be mentioned in the context of this thread when the only reality of reversing Brexit is handing more power to the European globalist political class? You're attacking the transfer of power to the wealthy elite whilst missing the fact that the EU is a political amalgamation which does just that. Does the EU really represent and work to better the lives of working class European people? Really...?
In the context of this thread alone, Brexit was actually the least worst option, it was an expression of democratic power which returns some power to the UK and it's hard to argue against that. More people voted for Brexit in a yes/no question than have voted for anything else in British political history. No government for example has ever been elected on those numbers.
What you said (underlined) is key for me because Brexit, remain, Labour, Tory, Trump, Biden... They're all the same thing and the ideas behind them are all backed by the same people. If anyone thinks we can vote differently and get something different then you haven't been listening.
It's still a fact that most people on here don't want an authoritarian Tory government but deep down they'd certainly have an authoritarian left-wing government. That's actually what folk are arguing for, they're identifying the wealthy elite with the right but the fact is the wealthy elite survive by functioning independently of politics. Those people knock on the door of Number 10 and it doesn't matter who opens the door.
The only way we'll ever see true democracy is if we smash the system apart and replace it however this would require the main parties to vote to destroy themselves, they'd lose their funding and their wealthy backers would lose their lobbying power.... Suffice to say, when do you think these parties or influential people will propose this change?
For me, I think the biggest problem is the lack of long term planning which is due to the fact that unless you are a crowd pleasing government then you are out of a job pretty quick! PR would help enormously in that regard but as you say that means MPs voting against themselves.