The Reckoning

My Boy Scout leader was caught filming school girls in the showers at the school where he taught but was let off. That was mid 90’s.

He was jailed around 2005 for possessing indecent images of children.
My Boy Scout leader was caught filming school girls in the showers at the school where he taught but was let off. That was mid 90’s.

He was jailed around 2005 for possessing indecent images of children.
I’m struggling to believe that a Boy Scout leader was interested in school girls.
The arrogance of the investigating lead officers was no better demonstrated straight after Sutcliffe was captured. All sat there in a press conference they had called beaming from ear to ear in a self-congratulatory way, when the truth was he’d been caught be accident by another force after years of missed opportunities and gross incompetence by WYP.

This was a time for sober reflection and considered satisfaction at the outcome, not an Old Bill circle jerk.
Spot on. The lead officers were taking all the credit for Sutcliffe being apprehended when the ones who deserved the plaudits were the copper who originally stopped him, and the sergeant who had the presence of mind to return the following day to where he (Sutcliffe) had gone for a slash and found a knife, hammer, and rope that he'd discarded.

I've always had a big interest in the Yorkshire Ripper case - it was a hot topic amongst many kids when I was at primary school and in later years I did a lot of reading up on it. While I have some sympathy with certain aspects of the investigation, the incompetence of WYP was off the scale at times. Putting all their eggs in the Wearside Jack basket was arguably the worst move of the lot, and to do it to the extent that they eliminated credible suspects - including Sutcliffe - simply because they didn't have an accent that fitted the one on the tapes was unforgiveable. Andrew Laptew interviewed Sutcliffe at his house and had serious reservations about him which he included in a report to his superiors. However, it was basically ignored because Sutcliffe didn't have a North Eastern accent.
Binged the lot last night, I wouldn't say it was excellent but it was very captivating, think they did a good enough job across 4 hours and could easily have gone longer given his time in the spotlight and his heinous crimes
No, when he was talking to his mother in her coffin, the thought passed my mind too. Wouldn't put anything beyond that evil fucker.
Just to add. apparently he said the two hours he spent with his dead mother were the best of his life. Think he was implying that in those hours he had the control over her that he could never had when she was alive, and he was a real control freak
Did you dib dib dob dob him in?
Tried. Parents didn’t want to know. “Don’t tell tales.”

My patrol leader’s mum was on the board of governors at the school he taught at and later confirmed he’d been let off when caught. Back then, someone would be a dirty old man and not a child porn magnate.

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