The Rise of The Green Party

I like the Greens on principle - I voted for them once when it was politically convenient to do so (local election).

But they are not a party who has the practical means of actually achieving their goals if they were to get into government. The best demonstration of this is their totally pointless and self-defeating anti-nuclear stance (which has a carbon footprint that’s lower than solar and comparable to wind power). I’d argue nuclear is the best weapon we currently have in our inventory in the fight against climate change yet they seem happy to cut off their nose to spite their face.

They will remain a protest vote party as long as they have an idealistic manifesto that is naive and uncompromising to the actual reality we find ourselves in.
I like the Greens on principle - I voted for them once when it was politically convenient to do so (local election).

But they are not a party who has the practical means of actually achieving their goals if they were to get into government. The best demonstration of this is their totally pointless and self-defeating anti-nuclear stance (which has a carbon footprint that’s lower than solar and comparable to wind power). I’d argue nuclear is the best weapon we currently have in our inventory in the fight against climate change yet they seem happy to cut off their nose to spite their face.

They will remain a protest vote party as long as they have an idealistic manifesto that is naive and uncompromising to the actual reality we find ourselves in.
As long as we have FPTP in the UK then you are right. They have been in government in Scotland though and influencing policy with the SNP and are influential in other countries with power sharing governments.
I like the Greens on principle - I voted for them once when it was politically convenient to do so (local election).

But they are not a party who has the practical means of actually achieving their goals if they were to get into government. The best demonstration of this is their totally pointless and self-defeating anti-nuclear stance (which has a carbon footprint that’s lower than solar and comparable to wind power). I’d argue nuclear is the best weapon we currently have in our inventory in the fight against climate change yet they seem happy to cut off their nose to spite their face.

They will remain a protest vote party as long as they have an idealistic manifesto that is naive and uncompromising to the actual reality we find ourselves in.
I do too, locally they are excellent here in WHP.

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